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MeyMey is what you would call the black sheep of the family that is Milf-shake Inc. She is kept around more to keep an eye on her rather than what she brings to the company.  Her experiments lean more towards the "mad scientist" kind of research. Luckily for everyone they don't always ban out and she focuses too much on besting her  nemesis James, Freya's assistant and husband.

Let's see how her latest plan has turned out.




Why would brainiac wipe her mind?


Actually it was a combination of Brianiac and origin. Origin turned her full Japanese from half and brianiac was messing with her mind at the time. It basically caused an error that they fixed by converting her into an Anime Trope.


Doesn't seem really fixed so much as brainwashed and mind-raped into a sex slave for someone she hates.


Well we will have to see how the story goes wont we. This is just a fun little snippit of the story :D


Where it goes? At best it's starting from sleeping with a girl who is blackout drunk and you know would not consent if she was sober, then essentially killing a vulnerable woman and replacing her with a brainless slut who wants to please you. Thats like a villain off Dexter or Lucifer, the kind you need to make so the audience is okay cheering for a serial killer or literally the devil, why would it be good to continue watching this?


Except that MeyMey was planning on something much worse. If it makes you feel better I have her turned back eventually.


Oh fuck, that's even worse, she'll be forced to live with the memory of the sick twisted things this guy who she hates did to her when she was vulnerable, all the degrading things he made her do, and not only know he's still wolithout any consequences, not only is he in her family, but that her family, even her own sister, takes his side. And that she's likely still carrying his rape baby. That's the sort of thing that makes a rape victim commit suicide!


oh and it was fine that she wanted to turn a guy into a woman rape him impregante him tehn rape everyone he cared about and impregante tem too? fuck you


Also, how is what she planned worse? He doesn't hate her and wouldn't hate being fucked by her entirely, which we can see how it took him all of 3 seconds to decide on raping her when she was vulnerable. At worst he has a gender bender experience which can be reversed. This is going to be something she would have nightmares about til the day she dies!


And I'm pretty sure you cannot claim rape as a form of self defense.


That's not the dynamic I am going to be writing. I can see where you are coming from and if this comic was set in a world that was somewhat closer to our own, there would be an issue. Hell I have avoided writing or making content like this awhile for that reason. When other writers do it in porn no one seems to complain, but I guess I miss-judged my audience here. I took a character that is known to force herself on other characters all the time and did a "turn about is fair play" kind of thing with her. The plan was she gets turned back and just tries to get back at James in another way. MeyMey's creator was fine with this concept. But again, maybe I just have missjudged my audience here and more feedback from other people is needed.


I get the real world moral dilemma people are having here, but it's kind of the whole point of the Milf-Shake world.


A magic milkshake doesn't really make consent irrelevant.


Oh god people, if you seriously hate it -that- fucking much then stop watching him. It's porn folks, either fap to it or don't, there's a reason fetishes exist. You can't please everyone 100% of the time and if you cow down to the whiners, then they'll whine louder to make you do as they want. Lurker, I'd say stick to your guns and if this is what makes you happy, then don't change it.

Stephen Smith

My suggestion is to show what would happen if MeyMey succeeded, in order to show that the whole "this person is doing something terrible!" thing goes both ways. And that in this case, James is mostly trying to protect himself (and the other employees), albeit using methods questionable to most of us in the real world, you can see right there she was going to do something we would also (I think) find morally wrong in the real world. You know, this isn't exactly the kind of conversation I would normally expect to accompany my porn.

Stephen Smith

This is true. It is also true, Mey-Mey wanted to impregnate (which if I recall means any transformation is permanent) ALL THE STAFF, so she doesn't exactly care about consent either. And consider the fact James knows what she wanted to do, I ask you, if you were in his position here, what would you do? Personally, I'd report what she was planning do doing to the boss, because YEESH. Would you do the same, or would you just let it slide because she had accidentally done this to herself instead?


I'd call the cops. What I would not do is rape them. Payback in kind with rape is never justified.


They're not raping her, this effectively (Temporarily?) killed her, and he's just having consensual sex with the "New" person that exists using her body in the meantime. And you're generally allowed to kill a rapist in the act or the imminent act (The prevent/terminate stage)


I feel like I'm missing a ton of external information here... is this from a story posted somewhere? I thought it was just a one-off bimbofication image of MeyMey with a veneer of story around it to satisfy some dark kinks.


I honestly feel people are taking porn too seriously.