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Here you all go, the top legal council and lawyer of Milf-Shake Inc. Unlike the other characters, she transformed in public during the civil court case after the company had been taken over by the French Modeling agency Dame Mince.

Dame Mince created Milf-shake Fresh in order to, in their words, "undo the damage of those whale lovers." Because of the gross incompetence clauses in the contracts and the massive failure and health issues caused by Milf-shake Fresh, Dr. Brynhildr and Miss Tunaki where able to take Dame Mince to court to regain control of the company.



Marquis Green

Is it weird that I like the story of these pictures just as much as the pictures themselves?


Well me and Daruak spent a good amount of time on the story so we hope people are enjoying the story. :D


Now I want to see the Defense's transformation sequence for no other reason than to see if you could.


It was bad. I don't draw horror. But Daruak is suggesting I draw before, then fresh, then after her emergency Milf-shake Classic supplement.


Damn...I don't know what best...the story your building for MILF-shake or the employees. X3

Stephen Smith

So, was the creator of Milf-shake Fresh one of those crazy people who thinks anorexia is sexy?


More like a cabal of them. The ones that think a woman's target weight should be their birth weight. Who will openly call a woman with naturally big breasts fat or obese.

Stephen Smith

Yeah, those people be crazy. You know, this reminds me, there was one time my sister got asked "have you put on a little weight?" and went up to the person and (imagine the next two words are in italics) hugged them and said thank you a couple times because she was actually worried about becoming one of those unhealthily skinny people, due top seeing shows about anorexics and stuff on TV. It's a story I find funny because she had pretty much the exact opposite reaction of what many people would stereotype a girl's reaction to that question to be. And who knows, perhaps this story will give you an idea, such as a skinny girl who's worried about being too skinny deciding to use a Milf-shake or something. Or perhaps a girl who sees the people behind "Milf-shake Fresh" and decides "I do not want to be like one of those people".