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The two morphlings continue their journey, heading towards the northern side of the morph pool. It isn't long before they see more abandoned shelters made from row-boats, sails, and assorted planks and beams. At the center of all of these shelters is the largest of them, a building that appears to be have been made from the hull of an entire galleon. The ship has been broken in two, with the front and the back of the crumbling vessel both pointing upward.   

At the base of this structure, two large doors open inwards. A purified morph site lies just outside of them, and the doors are ajar - revealing the dimly lit interior within. Upon entering the structure and activating the morph site, the morphlings notice stairs descending in a conch-spiral through the floor. Dull candles burning with blue flame sputter and spark along its outer curve.  

There is more to this place than its ruined exterior suggests.

What should the morphlings do?

  • Continue exploring the depths of this structure.
  • Continue exploring the eastern shore of the morph pool.
  • Go back to a discovered morph site.


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