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UPDATE: Votes are in. Norael is a very powerful opponent, but Neoma has the health and the bimbo resistance to be the perfect counter to this fuchsia force of nature. The fact this big butt mage is able to be such a problem for her enrages Norael and leaves her open to attacks from Newlyn.  With a parry and a blast of witchcraft, Norael is defeated, vanishing into a poof of pink smoke.


  • 100 Morph
  • 50 Bimbo Morph
  • 50 Primal Morph
  • Fuchsia Drake Cleaver (Strength/Bimbo curved great sword)
  • Fuchsia Spear

Information about the items and next vote soon.


After some deliberation, the morphlings decide to travel west along the morph lake's shore. The ride is uncharacteristically pleasant at first, until their mount, Mirabell, suddenly begins to vanish right out from between their legs.  

Mirabell notices her own impending departure before the Morphlings do, and as she fades away, she cries out to them. "Oh, no! Quickly, ru-"

Her voice cuts short as Mirabell vanishes entirely, leaving the Morphlings to fall to the ground. They land on their feet lightly enough, but they scarcely find their footing before a geyser of pink smoke begins to erupt from the sand ahead.

From within the plume of smoke comes a massive, curvaceous figure. Her enormous bosom is bound in gold, yet shines less brightly than her luminous hair - and yet even that shine is dim compared to the outflowing of pink that suffuses her. That rose-hued glow is so intense that it almost seems as if she is possessed by the color itself.

She bears draconic horns and a tail of mottled scales, and wields a giant sword one-handed - a feat which well suits her intimidating stature. This is Bimbofied Norael, once known as the Blue Terror. Unlike other bimbofication victims, who often bear naught but a vacant smile on their otherwise blank features, Norael appears to be pouting.

She makes eye contact with Neoma and Newlyn, gives them a small nod...and begins to charge.

Current status of the Morphlings;

  • Level: 36
  • Classes : Himbo Ronin and Goth Sea Witch
  • Location: Shore of the Eventide morph Pool. Mostly flat terrain, few trees and the morph pool to the north.
  • Status: Both Newlyn and Neoma are fresh and ready.


Bimbofied Norael, the Pink Terror. Once a morphling adventurer of some infamy, Norael's prowess with the primal arts was so great that she was able to overcome the Storm Wyrm, Goltafrey, and claim its power as her own. 

Alas, she appears to have been bimbofied, but her transformation has diminished her fury and strength none. Towering over most men, she wields a massive blade in one hand, and the awful fury of lightning in the other.  Her sword is mighty enough to cleave through stone as easily as flesh, and yet her signature lightning spells are even more deadly - and doubly so now, for they have been infused with bimbofying magic.

What do the Morphlings do?

  • Neoma takes the lead and Newlyn supports her.
  • Newlyn takes the lead and Neoma supports her.
  • Both keep their distance and focus on ranged attacks.
  • Run Away

Want to thank Drakethug for allowing me to use their OC Norael for this. Go check out their great work at their Twitter and Patreon.


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