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Just curious, but kind of fan/parody art do you like seeing from me. Keep in mind any art that is a parody universe counts for this poll. (Lending Loup Out, Mornstar 8800, etc)

Options are;

  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Warhammer 40k
  • Warcraft
  • Comic world (Marvel, DC)
  • Dark Fatnasy (Dungeons and dragons, darkest dungeon etc)
  • Fandom doesnt matter, its what you do with them!



Draenei are always good


I like pretty much anything you do, obviously I think most found you through the Zelda stuff so it's natural that's what people like, but if you have other fandoms that interest you I would like to see what you have in mind.


uh... is "all of the above" an option? I really enjoy your Lending Loup Out stuff, but then I also really enjoy most of the art you do, especially when it's tied to a longer narrative.