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Hope everyone had a great holiday, lets get to it.

Sketch suggestions- In order to "realign" myself this month, I will attempting to do some kind of daily sketch. I Have a google form up right now where squire and up patrons can suggest sketches for me to do this month. You can find out more at this post https://www.patreon.com/posts/january-sketch-60613011 .

Share your Favorite pic from 2021- Posted a tweet asking people what was their favorite pic I drew in 2021, go check it out at https://twitter.com/LurkerGg/status/1478913301966823424 and share your favorite.

Did a lot of cheesecake last year

From Wikipedia  

"Cheesecake was an American slang word that became a publicly acceptable term for scantily-clad, semi-nude, or nude photos of women because pin-up was considered taboo in the early 20th century."

I realized that I drew a lot of tempting things last year, but very little actual sex. How do you all feel about that? I never felt like my actual sex pictures did that well and they always took so long to make. At the same time pin-ups and the like got just as much attention, if not more, and took a fraction of the time create.  If you have any comments please share them below or contact me directly.

Ok, that's all for now. Thank you all for such a great year in 2021, and here is hoping 2022 is even better :)



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