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I really like how Magic the Gathering uses it's color wheel to influence it's artistic and gameplay design. I wanted a similar wheel for LLO. the previous version I made only had four energies, but that felt limiting, five would feel too much like magic the gathering, so I ended up with 6.

Each energy type has its own themes;

  • Dawn: New starts, light, holy
  • Primal: nature, animals, people, eternal cycles
  • Ore: earth, un-moving consistency, 
  • Dusk: endings, night, natural death
  • Demon: unnatural, undeath, chaos
  • Aether: magic, change, knowledge

If any of you have any suggestions to add more to these concepts, I am all ears. But also what do you think of these concepts? 

Poll answers include;

  • I really like them and feel like they will add to LLO
  • I like them, but feel like they won't add much to LLO
  • Nuetral
  • I don't like them
  • I don't understand


Michael Ault

The funny thing is that you could have used the Sage Medallions on this.


Too cool! I loved MTG