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Ok, decided to make this concept into a little sequence for you all. These are the first three stages Malika will go through, after this I plan to have at least to branching possibilities open up. Loup added for scale.




So, 's she like... possessed? I assume she's trying to manipulate him for some sort of scheme that definitely won't fall apart once she gets a taste of hero cock.


She has an extra passenger yes, but Malika is in control. Most of the time anyways

Kyle Moylan

I'm very interested to know more about Malika's backstory? (seeing she has the same name as one of your Goddess') and her desire for wanting Loup.


uh... sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but what's a vulknut?


Oh, just an ancient piece of symbolism that in NOOOO WAY is similiar to anything else. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valknut