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Took me some time to get a better idea of what I wanted the ocean Mera to look like. Still think they look too much like Zora, but it will do for now.

What do you all think? Any suggestions or feedback?




Yeah, still a little too 'zora'. Traditional mermaid tails, or non-fish elements might help? Sea dragons or sea horse elements might look pretty cool.


Switch the arm fins to back fins, zora arm scythes are pretty iconic. Keep them small or they will look weird though?


Dunno how to fix the problem of trying to make a sexy fish-person distinct...


I like how they have oversized hands I think to set them apart the head shapes would have to shift or be added to to make them more unique, something like an anglerfish light I don’t know


Could all way try for the bald look or a pointed squid look