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I thought I had already made a decision on this, but Daruak insisted I reconsider. I have been asking other artists but figure I ask you all as well. What will Loup's hair color be.

  • 1. Red-brown
  • 2. Red Top Blonde Tips Mix
  • 3. Blonde Top Red Tips Mix

Things to consider;

  • While I want him to be reminiscent of Link, I don't want him to be confused with Link. I am told it may be too late for that but still shouldn't make it worse.
  • The more complicated the hair, the more likely I will forget a step in the future. This can be a hassle, but a minor one.

As a final disclaimer I need to remind everyone that while I'm thankful for their feedback, I make the final call. This, and all other polls for that matter, are "none binding."



I'm torn, because I like the blended color look (Red-Blonde). but I feel any hints of blonde may result in mis-labeling Loup for Link X_X


I think the only way out is to give him really dark hair; more black/other mix, since Link’s had every other non-anime color.


While I favor #3 for the head, his chest hair looks really weird with that blend. I'd personally go with #2 or a solid dark blonde for the body hair. BTW, your shading has really come a long way since Twinrova's Plan P1 and even more so considering your earlier works. Keep up improving!


Red-Brown, or black like the Captain N version. Nintendo wants none of the Captain N version of Link.