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What do you think of the changes to the Patreon Goal/Milestones

Quote from the changes post

Patreon goal/milestone changes - A lot has changed since I first started my patreon, but many of my goals/milestones have stayed the same. I am updating them to better reflect how I now run my patreon.

  • $200  1 Monday sketches ,10% of my time to LLO project
  • $600 3 Monday sketches 40% of my time to LLO project
  • $1200 All Monday sketches  60% of my time to LLO project
  • $2000 75% of my time devoted to LLO project. Patrons have the right of first refusal on buying out auctions.
  • $3000 full time, any outside work will be due to emergencies or special events.
  • $4000 Start trying to hire more full time regular help.

Important note: As I grow older I need to start saving for the future and actually try to earn a real living wage. When basic dental work requires "emergency auctions" you start to realize that you are not really making a living wage.


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