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Hello everyone, hope October treated you all well.

Patreon streams - This months theme is Sci-fi, cause I am a little burnt out on fantasy after Linktober.  Check out the announcement post HERE and we still need like $40 to $50 worth of pledges or donations to get the bonus stream.

Sequence Poll - The poll to decide this month's transformation sequence will be open until Midnight on the 9th, go vote on it HERE

Patreon features Poll - Want to focus more on comics but want asking patrons how I should go about it. From cutting everything but comics to putting things on hiatus.  Go put in your 2 cents HERE. 

Linktober - Linktober was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed taking part in it. You can see the full Gallery HERE or alchemist patrons can download the monthly cache for all the high rez versions HERE. 

Time Off - Probably will be taking some time off at the end of December, but will try to get some guest art to help make up for my time off.

Thank you all again for your ongoing support and if you have any questions please leave them in the comments section below.



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