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My patron personal rewards are working well enough for the moment. I don't plan on changing them this month maybe even next month. But if I where to change them, what would you guys like to see changed, added or removed from my personal reward. Raffles seem to be popular amongst many other artists but they tend but have been abused as well. But they do offer something to those backers who can't give large amounts each month. As for the lifetime simple and complex pic rewards. I am slowly getting swamped by them. In hindsight I undersold how much they are worth and how much detail I would push myself to put into them. I will stick with them for now but I may need to change them in the future. Discounts on commissions are also another option, but can be tricky. If I were to offer them they would have to have restrictions. Are personal rewards really important to you guys are are you here for the milestone goals I provide? Please let me know in the comments below or by email at lurkerGG@gmail.com



I guess that depends on the load you can handle for personal rewards. If you think it will affect Lending Link Out in the process, you might want to go the discount route for something like character sheets or anything dealing with multiple characters to even it out.


I support for LLO, but raffle would be good since I only pledge five...but mostly, I just care about LLO.