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Hey everyone. Made a new pic for the state of the patreon, hope you like it.

Patreon Stream:First I want to inform everyone that the patreon streams for the month have both been pushed back 1 week. They are scheduled for the 12th and the 19ths. Also keep in mind that unless i can go over my next patreon milestone THERE WILL BE ONLY ONE PATREON STREAM. If you all want two, I need to get about $30 worth of patrons to pledge. You can still post ideas on the suggestion post here https://www.patreon.com/posts/s-e-x-patreon-20768154

Goal Visibility Changes: Speaking of patreon goals, I have noticed a nasty habit of people all leaving every time there is a slight dip in my dollar amount. In order to test things out I have hidden the dollar amount for now. It may return, but I can't ignore the fact that most other artists hide their dollar amounts and I am really starting to wonder if showing mine is hurting me in some way. For now I am just going to test it to see.

October Sketches:The sketches for the month continue and the sketch suggestion post is still up as well, you can find it here https://www.patreon.com/posts/october-sketch-21462174 .

That's all for now. I should have the monthly cache up either later tonight or tomorrow. As always, thank you all for your continued support and if you have any questions or concerns please leave them in the comments section below. :D



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