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Initially intended to be gifts to the different monster woman on the island from the exploratory force, this shortstack Oni (OC of Kurosaru) and Riku the Wolfgirl (OC of Antonio B) where able to steal a great amount of it for themselves.

Here they are enjoying having a good time at the hotsprings :D

The second stream pic for the month. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to suggest OCs. I try to fit as many as I can but I might have to pull back a bit. These two stream pics took far longer than I budgeted for. 

But at the same time I can't complain about getting double the amount of characters done.

Important Note: the background (and actions) in the pic where heavily inspired by this pic http://woot.iiichan.net/index.php?image=395 by the artist Woot.



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