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Hello everyone, hope you are having a wonderful October so far. :D

Let's begin with the big event from last month, the release of "Lending Link Out; Twinrova's Plan Part 1." I want to thank you all again for your continued support because the comic would not have been possible without out you, my patrons. I have already begun work on the next chapter, it's going to be great!

If you haven't recieved your free copy yet, please let me know. In order to get a free copy of the comic you must be at least a Squire tier ($5) and given at least $10 total lifetime pledge to my patreon. Contact me through patreon message or at my email at LurkerGG@gmail.com

October sketches continue today and will happen everyday until the end of the month. If you have an idea you might like seen turned into a sketch, post them in the comments of this post https://www.patreon.com/posts/october-inktober-14622468

This month's patreon stream will continue as before, more details about that on this post https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-stream-14445050 and they are set for the 12th and 13th.

Lastely I want to give you all a heads up about December, I will be taking a vacation during a majority of that month in order to travel down and visit my family in California and attend my sisters wedding. I am lining up some guest art for that month but still plan to do at least the patreon stream. Still in the works but I just thought I would keep you all in the loop.

Thank you all again for your continued support and if you have any questions or comments please post them below, message me through patreon or email me at LurkerGG@gmail.com.



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