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Thought I should share with you what I am currently working on at the moment when it comes to the comics. Right now I am going back and red lining the previous Twinrova chapter pages (examples above) and will be touching the pages up. I will be honest, I am not sure how long this process will take but I am sticking with my current plan to have part 1 of the Twinrova chapter released by sometime in September.

I know this isn't the most entertaining part of creating a comic, I apologize for those that may have wanted a steadier flow of pages from me and I thank you for your understanding while sticking with me on this.

One last thing and this involves the Squire tier patrons.  I am thinking of ways to add pdf comics of more expensive comics (more than 5$) back into the rewards but in a way that still prevents people from exploting the $5 tier. I am currently thinking of sending them to people who have given more than $10 lifetime (so $5 patrons who have been around for at least two months). 

No guarantee yet but still working on it. Hope to have more soon for you about that.




I don't mind learning about these touch ups. Best to perfect the details of your comic.