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As of late, I have noticed a lot of fellow artists hiding their total dollar amount on their patreon and just showing goal percentage and such. None of them have replied to me on why they have chosen to do that and I am not sure if I should do the same.

What do you all think? Is seeing the exact dollar amount on a patreon important to you? Is it distracting? Do you not care one way or another?



I know some people hide it so haters can't see how much they make. On the other hand those kind of people will already be mad about you having a patreon in the first place.

Aaron Meek

Not particularly important, as I am going to donate what I am willing and able to. But I can see arguments for both sides. Showing it is a sign of success, but not showing it implies you aren't doing it for the money. Even if we all know everyone actually is. :P


I think it's important to be truthful with your fans and patrons. That way people can trust you to be genuine with your art quality, and know they're paying what they're getting.