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Hello everyone. I'm sorry last month had a lack of updates, there was a lot of stuff in the background I have been working on that I am not ready to show.

But here is a little sneak peak of what I have been working on. Here is the updated the character sheets for the growth adventures. They now include all the Fabula Ultima mechanics.

What I still need to do.

  • Make dungeons

  • Make items

  • Modify classes

  • Do live tests

A lot more to do and I hope to have more to show soon. If you have any question, I would be happy to answer the best I can.




Wait!! what Rule System is this ?!!? i never seen this layout before !


It's a combination of 2 systems. The stats, the "proportions" and the traits section are apart of the system I have been using for my growth adventures. The other stuff are from Fabula Ultima https://www.needgames.it/fabula-ultima-en/ , a new system that I discovered and fell in love with. I have been able to adapt the rules of Fabula Ultima to work with the growth adventure system. Still working out a lot of the details, but the plan is to have the character owners play dungeon crawls while supporters help them from above.


i would love to join something like this