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Ok, its been a bit of a rollercoaster when it comes to how I have been running the darkest fandom/Growth Adventure events.

You can find the in progress doc HERE https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xyVy4ZTLU55eN5_E_JXYhpngZQJ9bbeHWg1KO5Mtfz4/edit?usp=sharing

But to sum up the big changes I am making

  • Focus back on the Fantasy - Bringing back more fantasy into the mechanics of the growth adventures. This includes bring back items and introducing classes. The adventures themselves will also be going in a much more "rogue-lite" direction. Expect to see more hard choices and trade offs.

  • Shape and Race - Characters will be getting a base shape and a starting race. The shape will help guide the body proportions of the character and the race will set the character initial look. Both can be changed during the adventure.

  • Classes - Classes will provide a character with reduced leveling costs for certain stats and will have exclusive traits the character can gain. Class changing will be available and frequent.

  • Return to Morph currency - Going back to Voting and Donating providing currency to spend on Leveling and traits. Just like I did back in the first iteration of the event so long ago. Not sure why I moved away from this system, either way lesson learned.

  • Equipment - Time to bring back the items. I underestimated how much they added flavor wise, and they will work much like they did before. Providing some kind of trait to the character while equipped.  Maybe some cursed items too.

  • Introducing "Proportions" - A character's different proportion scores reflect the characters growth in those body part. These different calculations are based on the math I was running behind the scenes to decide how much each character grew.  Each proportion has a base score, an enhancement, a reduction and a possible other bonus.

  • Tough Choices and Trade offs - As mentioned before, there will be far more meaningful and tougher choices made for leveling, traits and story.  Almost all traits will provide a bonus and a draw back, such as providing a boost to one proportion and a reduction to another. I have been playing it too nice with you all and it has lead to predictable outcomes, time for more chaos.

IF you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.



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