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"Whoa!" Marine Major James cried out as the ground beneath his feet trembled. Lately, there has been more and more such quakes occurring and none of the egg heads knew what was causing the earthquakes. After a while, the tremors stopped and his men who paused their boarding looked around in confusion until a sergeant started yelling at them to move their asses.

"What is fuck is wrong with this place?" Mills sighed as he picked himself off the floor. "Even the fucking ground is trying to fuck with us!"

"Earthquakes getting more and more frequent..." James frowned. "But from what I know, there's no volcanic activity around nor are we on some plate boundaries..."

"Shit, I don't need you to go all professor with me!" Mills put on an expression of mock horror. "I joined the Marines... Not college!"

"You learn this shit in high school just for your info..." James laughed as he shook his head at Mills antics. "Gods... You really need to read up more!"

"Well... this shit is for those egg heads to figure out," Mills grinned. "I'm the guy who kills aliens and eats babies!"

James laughed again before he gestured to the waiting Marines on the ground and said, "Three companies of Marines would be coming along for the mission to the lands of the dragons."

"They will be spread out on three ships," James gestured to the airships. "You will take charge of Bravo company on the Old Ugly. Alpha will be with me on the Icarus. Dowlen will be taking Charlie on the Daedalus"

"Shit, robocop is coming along?" Mills exclaimed as he pointed to the huge hulking war machine being loaded into the Icarus's cargo bay.

"Apparently, he's on some kind of redemption mission. He seemed to want to kill as much of those Protectorate as possible..." James sighed. "Then again, I don't mind the extra firepower Dijon possesses..."

"And... the crazy God girl is coming along too..." Mills grinned. "What a circus! What's next? A talking dolphin?"

"Not sure why High Commands wants the girl along..." James frowned. "Still we got plenty of firepower if shit hits the fan..."

"One modernized Loose Confederation 'Planker' class merchant ship, two Icarus class air frigates, three heavy weight dragons, two attack helos, three companies of Marines, one angry war machine and one emo God girl... Yup plenty of firepower enough to take on anything!" Mills continued grinning to James as they made their way to the waiting airships. "If it wasn't enough, Big Brother is just a call away..."

"Seriously, I really hope we can get back home," James said. "I meant Haven, I miss my wife."

"Well, lover boy, what's so fun about staying all safe at home?" Mills winked. "Here, we get to shoot at things that... can't shoot back!"

"Did you call back or send any messages to that duchess of yours?" James slyly retorted back.

"Erm..." Mills scratched his head awkwardly. "Well... I did send a letter and a gift back to her..."

"Aren't you worried that she will find someone else if you keep on dragging your heels out here?" James asked seriously. "She is, after all, a Duchess of the Empire and the Governer of Orwell's Point... I'm sure there are plenty of suitors after her..."

"I... urgh..." Mills sighed. "I don't know, man..."

"When Drake died... I saw how heartbroken Irisval became after she got the news of Drake's death..." Mills paused in his steps and he glanced out to the far horzion. "I don't dare to get close to Titanna..."

"I'm not afraid of death," Mills gave a shrug as he turned back to face James. "But... I don't want my death to affect... her..."

"I- We... are soldiers," Mills continued walking to the airships. "We can die anytime and this god crazy world... I- I don't know how to face her..."

"Fuck," James shook his head. "That's some high level thoughts you got there..."

"Didn't figure you to be such a romantic," James said. "Still, don't keep the lady waiting... If you don't want to commit to the relationship... Tell her. Don't waste her time!"

"Yeah... I got it. You take care!" Mills nodded and gave a wave as he headed towards the UNS Old Ugly while James stood there watching him join the queue boarding the airship. He shook his head and turned to the boarding line for the UNS Icarus.

James sighed as he mumbled to himself, "Fucking join the Marines... See the fucking world and die alone in some fucking hell hole..."

***** Author's Rumblings *****
Wow time passes so fast! Now its gonna be Lunar New Year!


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