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Trism secretly rejoiced as he sized up the dragons lined up before him on the decks of the internal hangar of Bay Three of the Vengeance. He purposed put on a face of hesitation while he eyed the expectant expression on Blue Thunder's face, the cold but with a hint of excitement on Rastraz's expression and finding the sobbing and anxious Saphia.

He came to a realization that ever since becoming an Intelligence agent, he had learnt how to read people, from their facial expressions to micro expressions. And now, he could even understand a dragon's facial expression. Finally, he let out a sigh to cover up his amusement and said in a serious tone, "You do know that the escort mission will have high chances to enter conflict zones?"

"Yes, yes!" Blue Thunder bobbed his head repeatedly. "We all know!"

"And your children...?" Trism pointed out to the two sleeping dragonlings cradled in a harness that Blue Thunder was wearing.

"No, there are no worries!" Blue Thunder patted his chest in assurance. "Ras and I will ensure that our kids will not come to any harm! Besides, they can meet more of their kin when we reach the lands of the dragons!"

Trism nodded as he conceded the point to the dragon. He nodded once more and said, "Alright... Welcome to the team."

"YES!" Blue Thunder joyfully cheered, his actions waking up the twins. Rastraz smacked Blue Thunder on his head and growled, making him regret waking the twins. Saphia let out a loud sob as she thanked the other two dragons, promising them the best royal treatment they will get will they reach her home.

As Trism walked away, a small smile appeared on his face and soon, he started whistling cheerfully to himself as he exited the hangar bay.


Magister Thorn was humming to himself and packing his things when the bell to his cave abode rang. He stopped his work and hurried over to the door which was just a thick curtain partition and found Professor Hamlot outside.

"Hamlot?" Magister Thorn welcomed his friend in. "Is there any matter?"

"Ah, yes," Professor Hamlot replied as he made himself comfortable inside his friend's house. "I heard that you accepted to be the head delegate to visit the Dragon Lords?"

"Yes, yes," Magister Thorn replied excitedly. "It was such a surprising turn of events! I was packing for the return trip, but suddenly, I was asked if I am willing to lead a team of delegates to the Domain of the Dragons to establish some friendly relations!"

"I... I would like to be part of that team," Professor Hamlot said. "Will it be alright if I join as well?"

"Of course!" Magister Thorn cheerfully agreed. "This trip is getting better and better!"

Professor Hamlot smiled back at the enthusiastic reply and added, "I am sure we will all find the knowledge that we all dearly sought for!"

"Too bad, Dr. Sharon couldn't join us for this trip!" Magister Thorn lamented. "She has to return to Haven to oversee the health ministry... She has been away for far too long!"

Just at this time, the bell rang again and Magister Thorn looked out of his curtain door and saw a familiar figure appear at his door step. "Speaking of the devil..."

"I brought some local spirits!" Dr. Sharon cheerfully held up a basket filled with earthen jars. "And snacks to go along!"

Dr. Sharon laughed as she saw Professor Hamlot already seated in Magister Thorn's abode and she set the basket down. "I kinda predicted that you will be here."

Professor Hamlot laughed as he knew Dr. Sharon had guessed his intentions. "Well... You do know how I enjoy digging up ancient ruins..."

"And the best place for all those historical stuff could be all found in a dragon's home..." Dr. Sharon laughed once more as she completed the blushing Professor's sentence. She shook her head and pulled out a jar as Magister Thorn carried over a few mugs. "I knew it! That is why... I brought all these here to have a last drinking session with you guys, before I return and you lot go off on some... adventure once more!"

"Cheers!" The three academics tossed each other in Terran style. They knocked their mugs together and finished off the strong local brew as they took the last opportunity to enjoy each other's company before they depart on their separate journeys, unsure of when would they ever meet each other again.


Lightning repeated flashed through the armored view ports of the cabin and despite the heavy sound proofing, the deep rumble of thunder could be heard. Blake leaned against the view port and saw an entire different world outside of the cabin.

Dark angry clouds covered the world outside with lightning constantly snaking and splitting the skies. Dark shapes of rocks and broken land could be seen floating in the air between the flashes of lightning while rain occasionally splattered against the armored windows before the strong winds blew the droplets away.

He turned to look at Sherene who was sleeping, curled up under a blanket with their child. Her brows twitched each time the skies rumbled. He reached over and gently patted her head, stroking her hair as he took in every contour and crease on her sleeping face. Already with proper meals and nutrition, her once sunken cheeks had started to fill out once more and her complexion had improved greatly.

But he could still see the lines of worries and pain on the wrinkles formed on her face and a sense of helpless anger came over him. He knew Sherene had gave up a lot, especially in protecting their child in such a savage environment. He could not even come to think of what would happen to their son if they found them later as what intel on the Protectorate church's policy was that once children were of age at five, they would be taken to church run homes, where the young would be educated in the Protectorate ways of Law and Order.

Sherene suddenly jerked in her sleep, her brows were knotted together tightly and she suddenly jerked awake with a cry. Her eyes were darting around wildly and her pupils were diluted with fear. She stared around her surroundings in panic and only calmed down when she recognized Blake who was hugging her and patting her back like a small child.

She buried her face deep into the embrace of Blake and fought back her tears. The nightmares had lessened over the days but when they came to her dreams, it was vivid and all too real and frightening to her.

***** Author's Rumblings *****

I have to apologize to everyone here for supporting me despite the slow updates. I just gotten a new job and due to the holiday season and lack of manpower, I'm currently out working 13-14 hrs per day including 2 hours of travel. By the time i come home, I'm pretty burnt out.

Hence, I could only write so much before I fall asleep on my keyboard... I will continue to do my best to keep writing and hopefully, by Jan 2022 after Xmas and New Year, the workload should drop back to normal levels and allow me to update regularly as before.

For now, I will post in parts! Once again, thanks for the support! Love ya guys!



It’s all good authors I am willing to wait.


as long as you dont drop^^