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After Importing the head of Zhenji (DW9) into HS, I found that the head of PH lies inside of folder PlayHome64bit_Data (same for Studio). So I reimport the head into PH, and here's the beta release:

CAUTION before unzip:
Be sure to back up. I made directly change to PlayHome64bit_Data\resources.assets, so that will cause conflicts with other characters with Face Type 4. Make a copy of the original resources.assets file. You definitely don't want to ruin the original game for just one chara. If unluckily, you replaced the original file without backup, I've got another link below for you to download and restore the original resources.assets file.

In case you don't know how to install the mod, just unzip into the main directory (where the game exe lies). The chara card is inside the zip file, too. Just enjoy.

This is my trial version, so I don't know exactly what requirements are needed. But Wide Slider, MoreSlotID are definitely needed.

Download Links:
[Baidu] Password: 5ww6
[Mega] If you like it, be my patron, to support me and keep this project alive and keep me alive as well.

Restore package:

The import just replace the original face type 4 in resources.assets (which doesn't affect the 3 main characters in PH). With this, I just want to know if there's any possibility of adding more face types in PlayHome, or if there's any issues with replacing files like this.

If you have any suggestions around this importing method, let me know.

And the Beta Release has some known problems as follows (I won't fix any of this or do any refinement in the future, cuz this is just a try)

1. The mouth tape doesn't fit very well with the mouth
2. The tongue sometimes get out of the lips in a weird way

Anyway, all of these are no technical problems and can be solved easily in my future heads.




too bad it replaces the default heads :'(


can you update zhenji please? this old beta version gives me no char error and the game becomes unclickable, really want to use her for some experiments ;) lol