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Wanted to initially make the the clothing shop scene but it was really a mess to make many positions work so i kept the concept of trying out different outfits and transposed in a nightwear scenario, hope you will like it :)






I would absolutely love if these included a zip folder


The "Download here" is an hyperlink to press and leads you to a Drive folder you can download all at once


I’ve never been able to find a way to download all or select them all, when following the link. I’ve tried opening the browser version and the iOS app and neither one has an option to download all - only individual images one at a time.


Ok i see, are you on mobile? On PC you can select the folder and appears on the top a arrow facing down that you can download tho whole thing, but I tried on mobile and its not like that actually, on the app you need to hold an image and then you can select multiple but individually so its way slower process to do. Thank you for sharing this, I can make it easier probably with a zip file on like MEGA should be ok, this afternoon when I come back home i will see


Hello, just changed the link to a zip file on MEGA, let me know if you can download with no issues :)