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HOO BOY okay it's time now

Check it for context: https://youtu.be/i8xYWTRHsAU

Commentary time! 

1. The shelf: 

Basically while I was nearly done I had an idea to put some kind of dialogue over the beginning/end, the end dialogue ended up getting scrapped but the beginning dialogue was kept. I needed an easy way to put some kind of visual as the audio played though, something simple but not too boring. A shelf with a bunch of items from the game as well as a few other references seems to work just perfectly.

At first it was meant to be longer with more items, but I didn't want to put too much visual information so the viewers could focus more on the audio. It has a longer cut to black at the end so it leaves it up to the viewer's imagination of how the argument is playing out, with the last line serving as a kind of poetic irony with "We'll be fine without you!" before immediately cutting to Isaac and the abominations below.

2. Isaac crying in the center

I was meant to add 8 different shots for this but due to time constraints I could not. The monsters chosen are very inconsistent yeah, I just picked which ones I liked and felt like doing in the moment. One of my absolute favourites is The Siren, and cause of her I like the last burning basement shot the most.

3. The Stain takes a peek

Originally The Stain was supposed to be Gurdy, but it didn't make much sense as Gurdy just sits in one place. I had a lot of troubles with drawing The Stain at the start but after some practice I managed to cut down the design into a much more animator friendly version. The Stain also has cool tentacle things that look like red pasta so that's a plus.

4. The Adversary and Fatty have a look

The Adversary is probably one of my favourite designs in the game and honestly it's a shame for me to not be able to properly animate him. Although that's probably for the best, the amount of bandages and shading he requires is way too much. The Fatty designs are also very fun, they remind me of Cheshire with the blood stream tears. Although Cheshire was inspired by Bloody Mary instead of those guys haha.

5. The Stain roars at isaac

I don't have anything to say about this one. It do be yellin.

6. The big chase scene

Alright this one was fucky and probably the whole reason I got excited to work on it. I wanted to challenge myself by adding a constant 'fall' scene at different perspectives. It is inspired by The Wolf and I really wanted to add hands much like the monster from that video, as well as inspired by Princess Mononoke's Demon. I ended up adding fleshy looking meat hands throughout it that try to grab isaac.

I realised I had no idea how to end the chase scene though, so I just chucked in The Fallen to grab him and toss him away. It also gave me an excuse to animate one of the demons so obviously I had to go for it.

7. Baby review! 0/10 throw it in the garbage

I was meant to make the wings simpler but I could not resist. I was also happy to just animate a close up shot of demon teeth. His ears were animated as well but they were offscreen :( I also had to bend reality a bit and change the fact that The Fallen now held his sides instead of his shoulders for the throwing animation to work. 

8. Fall scene

Isaac was meant to fall into a monster's mouth at first as I only had vague knowledge of the game. I saw the endings were set inside a fleshy place so I had assumed he got eaten. Turns out that's just his mother's uterus. How silly of me to assume. I changed it to just a regular cellar door however to tie in with the following gameplay montage.

9. Gameplay gameplay + Larry jr + Item roll

I like Larry Jr he's a fun boss. Also gets worm points. The items were chosen by Foekoe and the gameplay was also provided by him. Thanks ya loser!

10. Isaac kills Mom's heart

Was meant to be a fight with Mega Maw instead but that didn't make much sense as a conclusion. Sad though :( it was a cool shot. You can see a shadow of Mom's heart doing it's death animation right before he has a look, alongside the blood it spits out falling to the ground. The shot was initially much more detailed with everything zoomed out, the heart itself being drawn and many more blood particles, but that would of taken too much time.

11. Chest opens

I hate animating objects so much. Especially in slow motion. They SUCK.

12. Isaac looks in the chest

I LIKE AZAZEL he's very cool :) He was meant to be at the very end but I wanted to give him a bit more screentime. The designs of Magdelene and Eden is inspired by this artwork by pptsy. I love the way they drew the hair and the addition of the halo.

That's kinda it really. Editing it was fun, I used VR Glow and Light Sweeps alot. My saviour effects I cannot live without..


The stain's colour draft.
The full shelf image without the black fade.
The original shelf concept was longer but I shortened it to make the scroll slower.
The stain's colour draft.
Thumbnail drafts.
Trying out drawing the stain, it was hard to simplify it.
A more finalised drawing of my version of the stain.
The fallen is a cool guy and all but not good with kids
More of this practicing drawing this dude
Azazel and Eve, it was a real shame I couldn't include Eve. I really like her.
More azazel and eve. Cool demons!
Azazel without the Fade to white
Magdelene without the Fade to white
Eden without the Fade to white
Background process.
Gurglings just for fun.
Test lighting scene in clip studio.


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