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originally it all started with shower thoughts whilst the song kept playing in my head

i had been drawing some strange rabbits around that time, mostly thinking of max (sam and max) bloody bunny and deadmau for inspiration.

later i remembered i had an old ass character of a bunny with a gas mask that would suit the song, so i combined the strange chaotic looking rabbits with her to make them her unhinged version or something like that.

the story is very much up to interpretation, however the general gist of it is it surrounds the theme of lost innocence. she lost her family and home to nuclear war and now resides in her irradiated village with nothing but her thoughts.

whilst making the video i had thought a lot about my childhood. i was a quiet and small girl but had a fascination for video games and reptiles, things my mother had been incredibly concerned about. little girls aren’t supposed to want giant rubber snakes, right? they’re not supposed to be playing war shooting games either right? she would always encourage me to play with dolls and go out shopping for clothes etc but i had always hated it.

she had thought there was something mentally wrong with me until she talked to the parent of my best friend, who she had also been into the same kind of things. her dad had the same concerns and was going to get her psychiatrically tested for it. it was then my mother realised there’s nothing wrong with us, we just like different things.

this video also plays as a general irony on that. you expect little girls to be pure and cute when they can very much not be. especially since we often learn early on that it’s normal for us to be exploited and sexually harassed at early ages. it can drive you a little mad sometimes.

the footage i used for the background involve several garry’s mod maps, footage from norilsk (an isolated russian city), the highway of death, footage of various abandoned/wrecked places and one scene with various photos from a venture i had with a friend into an abandoned mansion.

norilsk: https://youtu.be/ks9E9XQp_2k

highway of death/abandoned footage: https://youtu.be/6_aYhiTMjMs

the visual style of the video had been inspired by AnAxeDraws’ work and the Overdose music video by Grandson.

overdose: https://youtu.be/QSWf8KggnII

each image has captions to them for more info, take a look!


The og plan was to change the thumbnail to this a day later, still deciding on it
Thumbnail sketches
Original vid concepts
Some wacky rabbits I’ve been thinking about
More rabbits
More vid concepts
Used a photo of an MRI face for this creepy bit, as well as a hand + teeth
Very old concept drawings of the character from 2019


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