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We've reached quite the number of you guys! I'm honestly beyond grateful for y'all :')

While I'm more than happy for this, unfortunately we've reached a number of requests that are a bit many for me to do monthly :( I'll have to make some changes to fix this up though, but don't worry! You'll all be getting your requests for this month :] This is just to let y'all know ahead of time.

However, sometime after this month I will be creating a new Patron tier, for those who want a certified slot for a sketch drawing request. The current Cultist tier will still be receiving sketch requests! Although, it cannot be determined that ALL of them will be done every month. Maybe every second month, or depends which requests I got better ideas for, we'll see really. I'll try to be doing as many as I can though!

Main thing is it will help a bit in easing the work for me to do. I hope you guys can understand!

For information on the new tier, I reckon there will be approximately 4-7 slots and will be around $17 in price. I have yet to come up for the theme/name, perhaps something mad scientist-y. Suggestions are more than welcome!

Again, thank you guys for the support! Y'all are mad cool.



Time to sell a kidney to be a shoo-in for that tier.