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Anyone here want more / better shit

Haha, sure thing. But what??

Please leave comments below on suggestions and feedback regarding the current tiers. If you’re feeling EXTRA mysterious and/or socially awkward, try the funky link below.

>>> https://forms.gle/k2fNGvDLHA9Dx7ny8 <<

(anonymous form)

Ok but seriously, I hope to get the best stuff out for y‘all. If you want some extra pizzazz I can improve upon lemme know. 

Some ideas I’ve been thinking of are

- a private, patrons-only twitter account where I post random fun updates/sketches there (or personal stuff like cat pics oooo) (i also just hate the patreon UI i feel like that’d be a more fun way to do stuff)

- just. more stuff. post more, you rat. talk to us more cyber please im not patronized to anyone else please you’re my only h-

- i want more animations. i just think they’re neat

- POST MORE ART OF A CERTAIN CHARACTER hi cyb i really like this one character you got, draw more of them thank you

- more oc world lore. haha, embarrassing! give it to us now 😊😊😊

- more tiers! what ?? you want to pay more than $25 a month to this random corvid on the internet?? i did not know such a benevolent creature would exist.. you have proven me wrong..

Let’s see how this goes 



Check your DM on Discord for my input!