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heya! as suggested by one of yall, i’ll be free to invite those of you with Animal Crossing NH to my island. just add me via a switch friend-code, then add me on discord, and then i’ll put updates on my discord status whenever it’s open!

it would be easier to make it a discord thing rather than to put updates here bc i don’t wanna spam your emails haha, but if you don’t have discord and want me to put statuses here/somewhere else then let me know and i’ll sort it out!

FC: SW-1513-9749-1303 “yikes”

Discord: CybeR#0001

my island is in the southern hemisphere, you are free to take any fruits, bugs fish etc, but just make sure you don’t deforest it or i will be very sad 😧

( please note that i am temporarily undergoing a discord/social media break so i will be unable to provide a discord status on the island for now, but once you’ve added me on the switch just check the airport whenever i’m playing as it may be open! )


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