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발생했고 고민 끝에 영상은 유지하기로 했습니다. 할로윈이아니더라도 뱀파이어 영상은 계속 만들어 왔었으니까요. 그럼에도… 한동안, 꽤 오래, 이 영상들을 편한 마음으로 보기 어려울 지도 모르겠네요. 비극적인 참사가 일어나 전 국민이 슬픔에 잠길 때면 매번 그랬듯, 제 직업이 무의미하다 느껴지곤 합니다. 콘텐츠가 다 무슨 소용인가 하는 그런거요. 문화, 콘텐츠는 의식주도 아니고 마지막의 마지막의 마지막의 여유가 있을 때 즐길 수 있는 것일 테니까요…

어제 새벽에 뉴스를 보며 가슴아파 하다 4시 넘어 잠들고, 아침에는 놀란 엄마의 전화에 깼네요.

다들 안전한 주말 되세요.

Tragic incident happened at Itaewon last night and… I decided to keep open latest videos. I intended to celebrate this Holloween with them, it’s true, but it’s also true that I made Vampire videos when it’s not holloween, that’s the reason. But… I’m not sure if I can enjoy my contents for a while. Whenever tragic incidents happen and people die, I feel like my job is a useless meaningless one. When we are all overwhlemed by the sadness, contents can not help anything. Because culture, contents are the last thing we can enjoy, after all other necessary needs are fulfilled..

I could sleep after 4:00AM hearing the news. And woke up right before by mom’s call. She is also shocked by this unbelievable incident.

Stay safe and healthy.


Ronny [Rendition]

I heard the news when I woke up today. I mourn the loss of lives of people who just wanted to celebrate after several years of lockdown. I hope the investigations will find out how and why this happened exactly, so this can be prevented in the future. That being said, I fully support your decision to keep the videos up. As you said, you make Vampire content at any date and it's not directly related to the incident. If in one of the videos a vampire jabbed a knife at the camera and in real life someone was stabbed, things would be differently, but they way things are, the videos are not related to the incident in any way. And I want to add, please never call your art useless or meaningless. Of course, in the moment of shock, in the days following the incident, nothing can console those who have lost friends or family members. However, in the long run, I'm sure people who love ASMR will turn to it for calming and distracting themselves.


의미 없지 않아요!