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자유롭게 평소 궁금하고 더 알고 싶은 점이 있다면 댓글에 남겨주세요!

Options are just options. Let me know what do you want to know more about Eunzel in the comment section :D 





Eunzelに質問がある場合は何ですか? Eunzelについてどんなことをもっと知りたいですか?


What do you mean love and lover ? isn't the same ?


I suppose if by "Love" you mean "Dreams", that would be nice. "Love and Dreams" is a nice subject. By the way, what would this be for? Are you going to make a video on it?


This is for my essay!


I voted for character/personality. To be more specific I’m interested in your hobbies, favorite food or meals, and favorite subject in school. But I’m also interested in what you like about making your wonderful videos. And what drew you to making them in the beginning. Perhaps I should have voted for “etc”.

Cait Sunny Sunblade

What's all your exact clothing size measurements (cm/inches) so we won't buy you outfits too small/big by mistake...😸 But without joking actually, what do you like from zellies that you hope zellies do more? (Or any things you might hope for...less?? 🙀😹)

genki ian (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 22:24:34 I mean... you seem like a fairly open person already at least with your full life story telling asmr uploads and diary/vlog updates on patreon etc. already. So if there's anything we really wanted to know, we could always just follow your stories or try asking you right? :) But related to this sudden "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) poll/post, one question I recently became curious wondering about was: "What is Eunzel's asmr youtube channel/career goals (short-term & long-term) and how else can supporters help beyond just joining as patron members?" I thought I remembered reading last year some posts about you hoping for better environments, equipments, hiring more Studio Eunzel production team members to help with tasks of your weekly work flows, earlier English subtitle translations, etc.? It would be interesting to hear more of your future dreams and plans for youtube asmr once you reach 500K (short-term) and 1M+ (long-term)? (Or just any plans for the rest of 2022 / start of 2023? Since the greatest journeys can only be started and finished each step by step haha ^^)
2022-07-04 21:44:43 I mean... you seem like a fairly open person already at least with your full life story telling asmr uploads and diary/vlog updates on patreon etc. already. So if there's anything we really wanted to know, we could always just follow your stories or try asking you right? :) But related to this sudden "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) poll/post, one question I recently became curious wondering about was: "What is Eunzel's asmr youtube channel/career goals (short-term & long-term) and how else can supporters help beyond just joining as patron members?" I thought I remembered reading last year some posts about you hoping for better environments, equipments, hiring more Studio Eunzel production team members to help with tasks of your weekly work flows, earlier English subtitle translations, etc.? It would be interesting to hear more of your future dreams and plans for youtube asmr once you reach 500K (short-term) and 1M+ (long-term)? (Or just any plans for the rest of 2022 / start of 2023? Since the greatest journeys can only be started and finished each step by step haha ^^)

I mean... you seem like a fairly open person already at least with your full life story telling asmr uploads and diary/vlog updates on patreon etc. already. So if there's anything we really wanted to know, we could always just follow your stories or try asking you right? :) But related to this sudden "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) poll/post, one question I recently became curious wondering about was: "What is Eunzel's asmr youtube channel/career goals (short-term & long-term) and how else can supporters help beyond just joining as patron members?" I thought I remembered reading last year some posts about you hoping for better environments, equipments, hiring more Studio Eunzel production team members to help with tasks of your weekly work flows, earlier English subtitle translations, etc.? It would be interesting to hear more of your future dreams and plans for youtube asmr once you reach 500K (short-term) and 1M+ (long-term)? (Or just any plans for the rest of 2022 / start of 2023? Since the greatest journeys can only be started and finished each step by step haha ^^)