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처음으로 직업병?을 경험하고 있어요. 가끔 피부가 뒤집어 지던 것이야 뭐 있었다 없었다 했기 때문에 유난스러울 것 없이 그냥 면역력이 좀 떨어졌나보다 하고 최대한 관리에 신경쓰면 되는데...

오른쪽 눈 밑 근육이 자꾸 떨리는 거예요. 이게 아직 그 강도가 심한 건 아니라 그냥 햇빛 아래서는 안보이는데 화장실 조명에서 화장실 거울로 보면 미세하게 계속 떨리고 있어요. 저는 느끼지도 못하는데 근육이 계속 떨리고 있는거예요. 그래서 엊그제까지는 떨리는 걸 확인하면 얼굴 스트레칭을 해줘서 풀었는데 어제는 아무리 스트레칭을 해도 순간적으로라도 안풀리더라구요. 그래서 어제는 의식적으로 밤 10시에 잠자리에 들었답니다. 푹 자고 일어나서 아침에 화장실에 가 거울을 보는데 여전히 떨리고 있는 근육... 그래도 다행인 건 오늘은 얼굴 스트레칭을 하니 잠깐이라도 풀리더라구요. 어제보다는 좋아졌다는 뜻이라서 위안을 삼고 있어요. 

심한 정도가 아니라 촬영할 때 보일 것 같지는 않은데, 여기서 좀 더 심해지면 촬영도 못하는 상황이 올 것 같더라구요. 화면에서 제 한쪽 눈밑이 계속 떨리면 그걸 시청자분들이 어떻게 보겠어요 ㅠ.ㅠ 그래서 그 상황이 오기 전까지 최대한 눈을 쉬어주고 마그네슘이 많다는 바나나 먹고 카페인 줄이고 (원래도 많이 안먹었지만) 물 먹고... 참... 뭐 이렇게 휴식을 해야 하는 핑계거리가 생기는지 모르겠어요 ㅎㅎ 민망하게. 

단순 피로여야 할텐데 우선은 다음주까지 관리하면서 상황을 지켜보고 계속 근육 떨림이 멈추지 않으면 병원을 가보려 해요. 하루종일 눈 떴을 때부터 잠드는 순간까지 사실 거의 한순간도 빼지 않고 전자파와 조명 아래 있는 생활을 하는데 그러다보니 눈근육도 지칠 수 밖에 없다 싶기도 하고...

다들 직업병을 가지고 있을텐데, 우리 건강관리 잘해요 ㅠ.ㅠ....  

I am experiencing occupational disease for the first time. Sometimes I have skin trouble but it was not that unusual since I can guess that it's because of immune system, but this time it's different.

The muscle under my right eye keeps trembling. It's not that intense yet, it's just that you can't see it under sunlight, but when you look at it in the bathroom mirror from the bathroom light, it continues to vibrate slightly. Since it's still slight level, I myself can't even feel it but it keeps trembling. 

So, until yesterday, I had to stretch my face to relieve it. As soon as I stretch my face, I could see that trembling stops even for a short moment. But yesterday was quite severe. Even after stretching, it didn't stop. So I went to bed early to get enough rest. This morning, as soon as I get up, I went to bathroom to check and found out it's still happening. My muscles were still shaking... But fortunately, after stretching my face, it was relieved even for a moment. I was relieved because it means that I am atleast better than yesterday.

If it gets worse here, it seems like there will be a situation where I can't even shoot. Imagine viewers get to feel worried by watching my muscle keep shaking.... Sigh. 

So to avoid that situation, I try to rest my eyes as much as possible, eat bananas that are said to be high in magnesium, reduce caffeine, and drink a lot of water... well... It seems like I'm keep finding excuses for taking rest.......sob sob... I'm actually really embarrassed by this situation. Anyway, don't worry since I still can shoot! you may can't see it on the screen. The shaking level is still subtle. 

It must be simple fatigue, it has to be... if the muscle tremors don't stop even by next weekend, I will go to see a doctor. Usually, from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep, I'm under electromagnetic waves and lights all day, almost without taking a moment, and I feel like my eye muscles are bound to get tired...

Let's take good care of our health ㅠ.ㅠ....



Take care and do whats best for you. My left eyelid does something like that as well, it actually is right now as im posting this. It only started the past 6 months or so, but now maybe I have something to look into because of your story.


Never be scared of taking a personal day to recuperate and heal. Especially in the times that we are living in personal and mental health are extremely important. Hope you feel better.

Cait Sunny Sunblade

Below my eye twitches too sometimes...hopefully it's normal, but take some days off and come back feeling rested 😽


Hi Eunzel, I'm a doctor living in Japan and also a big fan. The symptom you're experiencing is often referred to as myokemia or blepharospasm. The cause can vary from fatigue, stress, drug-induced...etc. It normally will stop within a few days~weeks(sometimes months), but I do recommend seeing a Opthalmologist. It's usually nothing serious. Hope this helps a little. Don't be too hard on yourself too. We're all here because we love your videos and want to support you.


My sis has this symptom too, and she was diagnosed with Dysautonomia, it’s a pretty common “modern” sickness mostly due to stress.


I also struggle with this sometimes I hope it gets better

Tom Audley

please just take a rest, please enjoy the balance of the year stress free. We will be fine without you for a while. relax, we all love you and want you to be well.


Hopefully rest will help you. If it persists for a while, maybe try audio only or things like the calligraphy video? Lota of people listen while going to sleep so aren't looking at screen the whole time anyway. Hope you feel better soon. We love you Eunbi.

Ronny [Rendition]

I think you're intuitively doing the exact right thing, resting. I also get those twitches of my eyelid if I'm overly stressed or tired. Luckily, for me it goes away each time after a day or 2. So yes, please rest your eyes, but also rest your ears and especially your mind. Maybe listen to some ASMR or meditation music. Your health matters the most.


Out of curiosity, what do you do when you rest? What is "relaxing" to you?


Usually I keep using my eyes even when I rest such as watching movies or webtoons lol... And I think that's the wrong way. I actually don't know what to do since it's hard to meet friends face to face because of Covid. So I think I should just read some paper books instead of using digital things and come up with next stories for my kids novel....? Sleeping too much is also quite stressful ;( ....


Yes actually I went through really really stressful thing last week and this symptom started since then. Stress is really the main cause of every illness... Thanks for caring!


Thanks for your advice... ! I agree with you about coming up with another ASMR contents in case I have trouble with shooting in future too.


Thank you... It's so healing to read comments worrying and caring about me. I feel like I'm a cryingbaby who need attention lol....


Yes I also agree that it's because of stree... Sigh. I hope your sister is okay now!


Thanks Kenny. I read your comment yesterday and I went to see a opthalmologist this morning which is earlier than I originally planned. I got some medicines too! His diagnosis was almost same with your comment :D Hope it gets better soon.. Thanks!


Thanks for caring Sunny, Hope you're now totally fine with the similar symptom!


Thanks for your warm comment. I took your advice and decided to take a rest this week :) As soon as I get better, I can make it up with videos right?!


Yes, I went to the hospital this morning and got some medicines which can help blood circulation around my eyes. The doctor said it's maybe because of stree and tireness. I went through really stressful thing last weekend and that was the time this symptom started so I think his diagnosis is right. I hope you feel okay too!


Great to hear! Hope you get better soon but please don’t rush and put pressure on yourself. Take care.


Wow, you write children's novels? My mother is an artist and that's one of the things she does too. Do you have any of those available in English translation ... or, alternately, since they're children's books, you could use the simple language/stories to help teach people Korean.


Thanks! She’s getting better….been doing yoga & Zumba! Maybe you can also give those a try!