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[신규 젤리들을 위한 리워드 신청 안내. 상세 내용은 메인 페이지 설명을 참조해주세요.]

음성메시지 리워드 대상:골드,로얄 (별도 신청 없어도 가입시 기입한 메일주소로 10일 경 발송됩니다. 듣고싶은 내용이 따로 있다면 미리 신청해주시면 됩니다.)

셀피 리워드 대상:로얄, 4개월차 골드 *사전 신청* (메시지 기능으로 원하는 표정을 신청해주세요)

스케치 리워드 대상:6개월차 로얄 *사전 신청* (원하는 테마로 신청해주세요)

커스텀 비디오 대상:로얄 *사전 신청* (원하는 테마로 신청해주세요)

[Rewards information. For details, please check the main page!]

Voice message is for: Gold and Royal zellies (You don't have to request in advance. You can get your voice e-mail by 10th of every month. If you have specific content you want to listen, please request to me in advance!)

Selfie is for:Royal and 4-month old Gold zellies *Request Needed* (Message me with facial expressions or pose you want  :D )

Sketch is for: 6-month old Royal zellies *Request Needed* (Message me with the theme you want)

Custom Video is for: Royal zellies *Request Needed* (Message me with the theme you want)

그리고 패트리온 시작하고 처음으로 시도해보는 정기 업로드 공지! 두둥. 

이번달부터는 패트리온 독점영상 업로드 요일을 정해보려고 해요. 처음부터 횟수를 많이 했다가 지키지 못하면 안되니까 우선 격주 하나씩 월2회 업로드 해보려 합니다.  3월은 3월 12일 금요일, 3월 26일 금요일 에 독점 영상이 업로드 될 예정입니다. 물론 정해진 요일 이외에도 추가로 업로드 될 수 있다는 점:) 기대 많이 해주세요오.

And new notice! BAM! First 'regular upload' try on Patreon.

From March, I want to make and share regular upload schedule  with you. I don't want to change my words after so let's start with a few dates. I'll upload at least one custom video twice a month. This month's uploads are gonna be on 12th and 26th, Friday. Of course I'll try more than that if I can :D Please wait for future interesting contents xoxo 



Hmmm have you decided to end your diary ? For more than two years we had one every day (almost :D ) but lately you wrote one per week and.. none at all so i'm just asking ^^. I thought something bad was up. Also because you released no public video in ~ 3 weeks. I hope you are doing well, thanks for the notice. 👍


Sorry for making you worry about me. I’m totally okay :D I just found out that not every zellies like to see my long long diary. So I think it would be better for me to do streaming more than keeping diaries except when I have special things and theme that I want to share with you by diary. I’m doing well. I’ll try to make more videos so that you don’t worry about me :)


Marking the 12th & 26th on my calendar! :D Any more than 2 exclusives monthly tho and you'll be uploading more on patreon than you do on youtube these days haha... ;) Your channel misses you, and I miss commenting on EVERY upload! XD