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몇개 되지도 않던 친구와의 약속도 죄다 취소하고 철저한 집콕 생활을 하며 유일한 외출이라고는 필라테스 개인레슨을 다니던 내게, 그나마도 한달 센터 휴관 이후 다시 다니기 시작한게 이제 겨우 두번인 내게 오늘 강사님이 연락이 왔다. 수업 20분 전 이제 나서볼까 하면서 핸드폰을 확인했는데 강사님이 전화를 달라고 메시지를 보내둔 것이다. 통화를 하니 목소리가 영 안좋았다.

"제가 몸이 좀 안좋아서 병원에 갔는데, 코로나는 아니라고 하는데 목소리가 많이 쉬고 부어서~ 이번주는 수업을 쉬어야 할 것 같아서요. 죄송해요."

"그러시구나. 코로나가 아닌 건 맞나요?"

"네 열이 안나서 코로나는 아니에요.:"

"무증상 감염이라는 것도 있던데 괜찮은건가요? 혹시 선생님이 코로나 증상이신거면 저도 조심해야할 것 같아서 여쭈어봐요."

"네네 병원에서도 혹시나 해서 열을 6번이나 쟀는데 열이 없어서 코로나는 아니라고 하더라구요. 조금 쉬면 괜찮아질 것 같아요."

? 이상하네. 내가 잘못 알고 있나. 무증상 감염이란 건 열도 안나는 거 아닌가? 알쏭달쏭... 병원에서 아니라고 하고 넘어갈 것이 아니라 코로나 검사를 받아보셔야 하는게 아닌가 했지만... 본인이 아니라고 조금만 쉬면 괜찮아 진다고 하니 알겠다고 했다. ... 본인이 생각할 때 옮아올 만한 행동을 안했으니 검사 안받으시는거겠지...? 믿어도 되겠지. 푹 쉬시고 얼른 쾌유하시고 뵙자고, 나는 명절 지나 2주 뒤에 다시 수업을 받으러 가겠다고 했다. 

전화를 끊고 나니 영 찝찝하다. 물론 난 지금은 아무 증상 없고 괜찮지만. 만약 그 강사님이 어딘가에서 코로나에 옮아왔고 그걸 단 두 번의 수업에 나한테 옮겼을 수도 있다고 생각하니 아찔해졌다. .... 설마 아니겠지. 그럼 너무 억울하잖아. 이모는 그 강사가 직업정신이 부족하다고 했다. 조금 화가 난 듯. 다른 것도 아니고 운동을 가르치는 사람이 자기 몸관리도 못하냐며. 목이 아플거면 매일 영어수업하는 이모나 방송하는 내가 더 아파야 하는거 아니냐며. 코로나 시대가 아니었다면 그냥 '아프구나' 하고 말 수도 있는 일인데 코로나에 한 번 잘못 걸리면 그 피해가 너무 막심하다보니 우리 모두가 예민해져 있다. 하긴, 나도 선생님이 걱정되기 보다는 내가 걱정되니까. 조심성 없이 어딘가에서 옮아온 채 수업을 진행해서 학생들에게 옮긴 선생님이 없었던 것도 아니고. 불안한 건 어쩔 수가 없다.

아니겠지 에휴. 



Awww, the incubation period is 3 to 5 days on average, up to 14 days on some cases. Because of your life style you are probably safer than many, but going out and meeting people is not the only way to contract this crap. If you order a lot of package or food, if you get a lot of mails. Because it can live and last up to 28 days on some surface. It's nasty... But hey, it's still winter, because of the weather we can still catch a cold or anything else. I think your Pilate teacher should be more careful because of her job but fever is a good indicator.

Ronny [Rendition]

No fever is a pretty good indicator, but to know for sure she'd need to get tested negative. Keeping my fingers crossed she doesn't have the virus or at least that you didn't catch it from her.

James Yi

으어미나... 확실히 이 바이러스는 혼자서 아무리 노력해도 안전한 병은 아닌거같네요... 열 안나는건 좋지만 어떤사람은 아예 증상 자체가 없을수도 있으니까요... 혼자 사는것도 아닌데 가까이 있던 사람이 아프다니까 걱정되겠다... 그래도 겨울이기도 하니까 너무 많이 걱정은 하지 않길 바랄게요

Cait Sunny Sunblade

covid19 survival rate is over 99.99%+ in cdc data for young healthy kidults our age... Hopefully for many among us, the fear of corona won't be worse than the virus itself :( Source: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html Infection Fatality Ratio† 20-49years old:0.00007 (Table 1. Parameter Values that vary...)

Cait Sunny Sunblade

Around a room temperature of 20°C, the coronavirus could last for 28 days on smooth surfaces, including phone screens, glass, paper money, and stainless steel according to a new study published in the Virology Journal (October 2020.) At higher temperatures, the survival time decreased as the temperature increased, and on cotton, the virus wasn’t detectable after 14 days. Some good news however: At 20°C, the half-life -- or the time required to eliminate half of the initial amount of the virus -- on paper money was about 2.74 days. After 9 days, 90% of the virus was gone. On cotton, the half-life was 1.68 days, and 90% of the virus was gone after about 5.5 days. So it looks like for paper money 90% of virus is gone by 9 days and 100% gone by 28th day, and on cotton clothes 90% is gone by 5.5 days and 100% gone by 14th day :) However, the study was conducted in the dark to remove the effect of UV light, which can inactivate the virus. That means the lab conditions may not match the real world sunlight. The surfaces were left undisturbed in tests, but money, mail and food packaging are often moved around, which could wipe off some virus too. In addition, the study tested how long the virus lasts on surfaces but not how long the virus particles are actually infectious. Influenza A, for instance, has been found to survive on surfaces for 17 days, but a virus begins to degrade once it leaves a host’s body. Other scientists have said the study could cause “unnecessary fear” because the virus mostly spreads among humans through respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing rather than dirty surfaces, Ron Eccles, former director of the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University, told BBC. “Fresh mucus is a hostile environment for viruses as it contains lots of white cells that produce enzymes to destroy viruses and can also contain antibodies and other chemicals to neutralize viruses,” he said. “In my opinion, infectious viruses will only persist for hours in mucus on surfaces rather than days.” Despite the limitations, the study may pose a reminder for frequent handwashing and regular disinfection of surfaces, especially during colder months (when coronavirus could last longer in colder temperatures.) “I wonder whether we’re going to see that COVID does spread more by touch in the winter,” Colin Furness, an infection control epidemiologist at the University of Toronto told CTV News. “I can't say that it does, but it’s entirely possible that it will.” Source: https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20201012/coronavirus-survives-on-surfaces-for-weeks-study Take care and wash hands, but don't let fear ruin life completely :(

genki ian

Teacher needs to upgrade to online classes... 😔 Hope you're ok!


No way! So this means you deserve a home gym delivered now? Lucky duck!! ;)