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한달간의 정지가 기쁘게도 오늘 끝나게 되었다. 그런데...

공교롭게도, 후원자로 추측되는 몇몇 젤리들이 유튜브에 재생목록을 만들어 내 일부공개 영상을 오픈해둔 것을 알게 됐다. 아마 내 영상이 좋아서 편히 듣고자 플레이리스트로 만든 것이겠지만... 이렇게 되면 모든 유저들이 나를 검색해서 해당 영상들을 시청할 수 있고 유튜브 입장에서는 내가 처벌을 받고도 제대로 조치를 취하지 않았다고 생각하여 채널을 삭제하게 될 수도 있는 것이다. 엎친데 덮친 격으로, 해당 재생목록 삭제를 요청하고자 신고버튼을 누른다는 것이 내가 내 영상을 신고하게 된 것 같았다. 또잉... 그래서 한시간에 걸쳐 일부공개 영상들을 비공개 전환했다. 그래서 지금 현재로서는 내 영상 중 많은 영상을 후원 젤리들도 볼 수 없는 상황이다. 본인의 플레이리스트가 인기있어질 줄 알고 만든 것은 아닐테니 해당 유저를 탓하고 싶지는 않지만... 어쨌든... 한달간의 정지가 풀린 후에도 녹록치는 않구나. 

유튜브에는 어떤 형식으로든 기존 영상들을 올리는 것이 위험하다는 것을 확실히 알게 되었다. 그렇다면 다른 사이트에 업로드하는 방법을 찾아야 하고 비메오Vimeo 를 고려하고 있다. 

잠깐 불편하겠지만 조금만 기다려줘요. 얼른 기존 영상들 다시 가지고 올게요. 


Ronny [Rendition]

This is a huge fault of the YouTube system. If an unlisted video is added to a public playlist (deliberately or accidentally), the video becomes public. :( But even if that problem did not exist, your exclusive videos have been leaked on Reddit in the past. Vimeo is an option, but I don't know how expensive it will be. Creating a separate YouTube channel only for the exclusive videos might be another option that won't cost you any extra money.


재생목록 본인만 보게 할수있는데 그걸 오픈 시켜서 여럿 불편하게 만드네요 갑갑스


Thank u eunzel!All of us need your Video. I hope that can coming soon


I have just been your gold zelly.What a time,I ‘m out of luck😂


Now we don't have videos anymore :(?


I agree. Most asmrtists upload content for sponsors to separate channels or platforms not to their main channel even as unlisted because there's no benefit except laziness to not create a separate upload place and only risks to the main channel. The easiest and free way is just to create a different name youtube channel to upload unlisted videos. Vimeo is cool too but not free and has almost the same "community" guidelines as youtube: vimeo.com/help/guidelines vimeo.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/224979848-What-does-Vimeo-consider-commercial-content-of-an-erotic-nature vimeo.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/224978088-How-does-Vimeo-determine-the-difference-between-pornography-and-artistic-or-non-sexual "Be sure to rate your content appropriately. Although Vimeo allows artistic and non-sexual [mature content] these videos must still be marked with a 'Mature' content rating. Help us keep Vimeo artsy, not porny. If you see a video that violates our guidelines or isn’t rated appropriately, please FLAG it to bring it to a moderator's attention." A legendary patreon asmrtist with thousands of patrons still got her vimeo account deleted for one exclusive video's guideline violation although it was actually visually sexual with exposed chest massage "sounds" even though she was "shocked her vimeo was deleted for 'sexual' content" ..I think all other asmrtists who don't expose their chest to massage the chest sounds and only upload more caring relaxing tingles for sleep/stress reasons are still welcome by vimeo guidelines tho ;)

James Yi

Welcome back... 이라고 말 하기도 전에 이렇게 힘든 일이 또 터졌네요 ㅜㅜ 시간 여유 갖고 천천히 하세요. 그리고 위에서 말했듯이 vimeo는 유료 플랫폼이기도 하고 유튜브보다 덜 보편적이라 글쎄 잘 모르겠네요... 첫번째 분이 말한것처럼 아예 이름도 연관없는 계정으로 한정 비디오만 올리고 계정 세탁(?) 을 하는건 어떨까요? 힘내세요 힘!... 이렇게 말밖에 못 해줘서 미안해요....


The big problem is platforms like youtube/vimeo recommending users to flag creators and videos with the "report" button if enough jealous haters believe they can convince the platform's moderator teams that a community guideline like "sexual content" was violated even when it isn't. But until video hosting exists without this terrible "minority report" system punishing creators for hard work and rewarding cancel culture haters to harass caring creators, the next biggest ways to avoid mass reporting/harassment may be both "upload less to where enough haters could report it" and "upload less content that enough haters feel to report" Assuming only one or two more recent videos being reported by haters leads youtube to demonetize the content, thinking how to not cross public content lines that fuel haters' feelings to mass report any upload could be helpful... But the other idea to upload where not enough haters can report it is solved by unlisted and exclusive content anyway which will never get enough viewers with enough haters feeling to falsely flag it... unless blessed enough to have thousands of patrons aand still push the line with mature content? 🥵 Even if exclusive content needs to be uploaded elsewhere, the millions of views asmr that were never a serious problem before recent uploading/demonetization hopefully could carefully return unlisted someday given mass viewer approval 🙏


Not new content and we don't have the old content either 😔


When will you be reposting the old content?