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하고 싶은데... 오늘도 야밤에 고구마도 쪄먹고 코코넛 과육도 먹고 땅콩도 먹고 배도 먹고... 그러구선 누워서 먹을거 뭐 시킬까 스크롤 하고 있는 내인생 !



:D That's why i told you to get an elliptical bike, then you can eat as much as you want without feeling guilty haha. Seriously, google it up, the benefit of elliptical machine. It can burn calorie like crazy, one of the best tool ever to get in shape or stay that way. And it's perfect for lazy people. I know so. :D Christmas is coming, think about it ! Good Night :)

Ronny [Rendition]

I would be worried that you're sick if it was any other way. Eunzel saying no to sweet potatoes? Unthinkable! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


그거시 인생이니까 ..!