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오늘도 인성논란이 터졌다. 예뻐도 너무너무 예쁜 아이린이... ㅠ.ㅠ 근데 난 재벌이나 이렇게 아주아주 탑 연예인들 즉 실제로 인지도나 부가 엄청나게 많은 사람들이 안하무인으로 행동하는 걸 볼때면, 분명 비난받아 마땅한 일임과 별개로, 과연 내가 저 위치였다면 난 안그랬을까?하는 생각을 하게 된다.

가끔 정말 별로 가진 것도 없으면서 갑질하는 미친 사람들을 보면 경멸감이 든다. 하지만 저런 경우는? 기본적으로 재벌병이나 연예인병에 걸리려면 재벌이나 연예인이라는 환경에 한번 들어가봐야하는거 아니겠어? 근데 난 내가 특별하게 뛰어나고 남과 다른 존재라고 느껴질만한 외모도 재능도 가져본 적이 없고 압도적인 부를 누려본 적도 없다. 그런 환경을 누려본 적이 없으니 갑질 여부를 선택할 기회(?)가 애초에 없었다. 내가 만약 어린 나이에 제정신 못차릴 정도의 부와 인기를 누렸다면 어떤 사람이 되었을까? 이런 일이 생길때마다 생각하는 부분이다.

유튜버 뒷광고 문제가 일었을때도 그랬다. 내게 만약 어떤 기업이 엄~청난 말도 안되는 단가를 제시하며 ‘거 적당히 내돈내산으로 갑시다~^^’ 했으면 내가 안했을까? 제안을 받아봤어야 알지 말로는 모두가 다 청렴결백하지 않겠나.

그런 의미에서 진짜 그런 위치와 환경에 있으면서도 겸손하고 주변 사람들한테 평판이 좋은 사람들은 정말........ 진짜 진짜 진짜 존경받아 충분한 훌륭하고 사랑스러운 존재들.

생각할수록 아이유는 진짜 짱인거같애요.



아이유 11년차 팬이지만 그런 걱정 할 일이 없어요 잇힝 ♡ 암튼 상당히 충격이긴 합니다. .ㅜㅡㅜ


I don't think everyone would become that type of person in the same situation, some people would stay pretty nice people but it does change a lot of them. Also, I agree, my future wife IU is amazing ☺️😂


I read about that incident, but the thing is, that's the first time it ever happen with Irene isn't it ? She is indeed all you mentioned but also, and that's to consider, under ALOT of pressure and stress all the time. So i don't know if she acted like this because of some princess behaviour. Or she simply snaped that one time. Idols are living a fucked up life i think. Sure it's dreamy to have that kind of look, fame and money. To be that talented aswell. But they are giving up on so many things, their private life, freedom of speech, they are working like crazy.. under ridiculous diet and all. Not to mention their crazy fans.. killing their mental health. I don't really know about Irene, even tho some Red Velvet's song are catchy ! But i'm not surprised if some top idols like her, snap sometimes. Sometimes even the best people can snap and act or say things they are going to regret. But i don't know about her, if this is a one time thing or not.

Ronny [Rendition]

With money comes power. With lots of money comes great power. With great power comes great responsibilty. Everyone can have a bad day, especially when under the pressure that idols are under. If it happens once, I don't hold it against anyone. It just shouldn't become a general attitude to put everyone else down all the time.


Yeah, but now K-netizen are digging and come up with other situation alike with her. And others staff crew members are talking so we never know. It's always like this in their world, they are massively loved but also get so much hatred and jealousy. If one bad thing happen then suddenly a storm of sh.t are falling down upon them lol. Really i'm not sure if i would like to be in their world, they always look happy and healthy in front of the cameras but we never know what's going on. Anyway, she is under fire right now and i bet there will be a lot of new articles against her in the days to come. It will be hard to tell the truth from the lies.


Even regarding all the situation, what Irene has done is really really bad :) I don’t think I can be her fan anymore. But K netizens are somehow too obsessed with pulling someone down so I get what you mean. I just don’t want to speak any hatred to her because it doesn’t help my life at all. Instead, I can adore, love and respect a wonderful person like IU even more. She is so beautiful and so much talented, so popular (actually way more popular than Irene) and rich who still always try to reflect herself and be a (even! way!) better person... Seriously, superstars who has good personality are awsome because it would be really hard.... They should be respected🤭


높이 가면 갈수록 주변챙기기나 자기관리가 정말 엄청나게 말도안되게 어려울텐데 아이유는 참 대단해요 멋진사람...!


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