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이번달부터 맞춤영상 리워드가 기존 한달 10분에서 5분으로 축소되며 영상은 10분 이상부터 제작이 가능한 것으로 변경됩니다 :) 즉 로열티어 2달을 유지해주실 때 10분길이의 영상을 요청할 수 있는 자격이 됩니다. 이번달 신규젤리부터 적용되는 내용으로 기존에 로열티어를 유지해왔던 젤리들은 그대로 10분의 요청권한을 가지고 계시니 걱정마세요 :) ❤️

어제 8월달 음성메시지 리워드를 발송완료했습니다. 혹시 받지 못한 골드, 로열 젤리는 제게 알려주세요~!

From this month, The length of custom video is changed from 10mins long to 5 mins long. And you can request a video when you save 10 mins which means maintaining your tier for at least two months :) This new rule is applied from now, to new royal zellies who join August. (For previous royal zellies, it’s applied from September)

Yesterday I sent all voice messages to gold and royal zellies. If you haven’t got yours, please let me know❤️



RIP 1h video lol, one every year. ㅠㅠ Hey can we team up among Zellies ? I mean, if multiple Royal Z wanna make a team project ? It would have been easier to just add a limited number of Royal slot, because you are still gonna end up with a lot of videos at once no ? Reducing the reward or increasing the cost wont really change that. Unless they lose interest for this tier, in this case yes. Awww, August is a sad month, losing fixed stream, reduced cool rewards. Does Seohyun left you ? ㅠㅠ Well i wont blame you if it's something you need to do. Maybe you have something in mind i wouldn't know. Thanks for the opportunity, writing something and seeing you make it become reality is so much fun. :D


👍 thank you 😄


i quite like the random schedule for streams, i'll be on twitch in the evenings and suddenly see the "EunZel has gone live" and it's a nice surprise lol


Thank you for the voice message and the selfie - it is so cute, I love it! 😊

Ronny [Rendition]

This can only mean one thing: a lot of Royal Zellies, which is good - at least for you. ㅋㅋ Got the voice mail, thank you!