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스킨을 사야겠다고 생각했다. 인터넷으로 검색해보니 최저가 8800원. 그런데 배송료거 3000원인 것이다. 흠. 집 근처에 해당 매장 로드샵이 있기 때문에 조조 산책 경로로 들러서 사야겠다고 생각했다. 난 스마트 컨슈머^-^ (smart consumer) 배송비를 아껴야지 룰루~

매장에 가서 제품을 결제하고 나오는데 뭔가 이상했다. 왜 14000원이지? 용량이 다른가? 뭐지? 다시 집으로 걸어오면서 긴가민가 하고 있어서 환불할 타이밍도 놓쳤다. 집에 와서 검색해보니 같은 제품이었다. 아... 그렇구나! 배송료를 합쳐도 인터넷 가격이 훨씬 싼 것이었다. 심지어 나는 350ml를 14000원에 샀는데 500ml는 무료배송에 20000원이었다. 어흑흑... 스마트는 무슨 스마트. 한번 호갱은 영원한 호갱인가.

조금이라도 덜 손해보려는 마음에 바로 뜯어서 얼굴에 발랐다. 찹 찹 찹 ㅋㅋ 배송을 기다려야 할 시간만큼 더 많이 써주겠어!



유통마진, 유통비용 따지면 택배비가 싼 경우가 많더라고요


I think the issue is that a store can only hold a certain amount per item so they can't buy huge amounts of each item but online stores can have warehouses just for storage and they can buy large amounts that make the item cheaper to them and for us.


진짜 충격 ㅠ.ㅠ 내가 얼마나 바보인지 다시 깨달았어요 ㅋㅋㅋ

Ronny [Rendition]

Extending a bit on what Toy explained, usually the manufacturing cost per unit goes down the more units you manufacture in one run of the assembly line. For example, to bake one bread or to bake 100 breads, you always need the same amount of energy to pre-heat the oven. So the same amount of cost for that energy is either added to the price of 1 bread or 1/100 of that price is added to each bread. That's why manufacturers prefer selling large quantities and that's why they offer volume discount, where large quantities are sold cheaper (similar to buy 4, get 5 offers). Only large (online) stores can afford to buy huge quantities in one go, therefore getting a much lower price from the manufacturer. Small stores can't afford to do this, both for the warehouse space reason (as Toy explained), but also for the reason that products in a warehouse are "dead capital". The store must spend the money to buy from the manufacturer and then it's tied up, i.e. this money can't be used for anything else, like buying other products, paying rent for the shop, investing etc. The money stays tied up until they sell the product to the customer. Of course, the total amount of money that any shop can afford to be tied up in warehouse stock depends heavily on the total turnover (which constantly floods in new money by selling to end customers), and this is where large shops have a huge advantage. They can afford to have millions (or in Won, billions) of products lying around in warehouses and still have enough liquid funds to keep the business running.