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You may all know that Ear eating/licking videos are sometimes(actually quite often) considered as ones that are for only sexual purposes. Korea,my country,is especially very conservative country so Youtube Korea seems to not respect my ASMR contents. It's very hard to keep going when the site itself doesn't like my channel and contents. Everytime,as soon as I upload my ear eating videos, I get age restricted. That means my video lose chances to be exposed on youtube recommendation feed and I can't make any profit either. <br>My porpose to make ear eating/licking video is so certain. I love those videos! I myself enjoy them so much and they helped me a lot when I had a hard time sleeping. So as long as I want to keep making ASMR videos, I don't want to stop. <br>But I think it's time to do things in a more clever(?) way...<br>So I need your advice. Because you are who DO support me in the most practical(?) way.<br>What about sharing ear eating/licking videos on this patreon page only from now on? If I decide to do that, I will turn the links of my previous open videos on Youtube to not open. That means only my patreons can watch them. <br>I could lose subscribers maybe. Maybe a lot. Because people tend to not move to another site only to meet contents of a single Youtuber. They might find it inconvenience and irritating.<br>But I think for some Zellies LIKE YOU..! would still support me and follow me waiting for my contents. <br>So... what's your opinions?<br><br>고민이 있어요. 유튜브 코리아가 제 채널과 콘텐츠에 그리 호의적이지 않다는 건 알고 계실거예요. 그런데 이 부분으로 인한 제약이 앞으로도 더욱 커질 것이 보여서 사실 그동안 콘텐츠 제작에 의욕이 많이 떨어졌었습니다. 기존에 올라갔던 영상들도 여전히 계속 연령제한이 걸리고 있어서 답답한 마음이에요. 앞으로 한동안 꽤 오래 이런 상황은 변하지 않을텐데, 사이트 자체가 맘에 들지 않아하는 콘텐츠를 계속 정면으로 올리는 것이 스스로도 내키지가 않습니다. 연령제한이 걸릴 것을 뻔히 알면서 제작하고 업로드하는 마음이 너무 울적하고 효율도 떨어지거든요. 껌만 씹어도 민소매를 입었다는 이유로(아마) 연령제한이 걸리니 사실 제가 뭘 할 수 있는지 손발이 묶인 기분이 들 때가 있습니다. 그래서 제작 의욕이 많이 떨어져서 9월달 업로드가 거의 없었던 것도 있습니다.<br>이어이팅/리킹 콘텐츠를 좋아하지 않는다는 뜻이 아니에요. 저는 친밀한 느낌을 주는 ASMR을 너무나 좋아하고 실제로 그 영상들로 큰 도움을 받았었기에 제작자로서 정말로 애정을 가지고 있고 당당합니다. 하지만 유튜브코리아에게 그 주장을 계속 혼자 펼치는게 의미가 있나 하는 생각이 듭니다. 제가 욕심만 버린다면 다른 플랫폼을 통해 소통한다는 방법이 있으니까요.<br>그래서 .. 앞으로는 친밀한 ASMR 영상들을 이 페이트런 페이지 가족들께만 공유를 할까 합니다. 유튜브 구독자분들을 잃을 수도 있겠지만... 그래도 제 영상을 정말 좋아히고 지지해주는 분들이라면 귀찮더라도 이 페이지를 한번 찾아주시지 않을까요?<br>여러분의 조언과 의견이 필요해요!



Youtube can sometimes be really dumb about those ages restrictions. I don't know if the fact that youtube korea doesn't like those type of videos is going to put you in trouble or not. If so , I think it may be a good idea. In any case, I'll support you whatever your choice is.! :)


I've seen other ASMRtist doing things like this, but it's mostly for intended sexual content, like "girlfriend roleplay" video, so they post a preview on youtube wich is clean and the full video on Naver Cafe. I don't know what is the impact on their chanel tho. It's weird that your videos get age restricted, since there is no heavy breathing or moaning or anything like that. But i think, as long as you offer content on your chanel, most people will stay, and you might get more patrons by doing that. But it means, more work for you, because you still need to post content on youtube too. (So ... MOARRR ASMR FOR US muhahaha. :P ) Your pick, like said, i'll support you either way. (Btw, have you already send those custom voice message ? Oo )


This is sadly a long-time global trend on Youtube, not necessarily exclusive to Youtube Korea. The problem is that the videos being uploaded are automatically reviewed by the bot/algorithm, before they are even published. If certain words are used in the tags or title, the video may be flagged as advertiser non-friendly, thus demonetized. This affects so many other genres/types of videos too, other than just ASMR, videos discussing political ideas, war, death or suicide, mental health or any other topic deemed controversial get treated the same. The loss of potential revenue for these videos is the price you pay for a free platform like Youtube where generally all the money generated is from advertisement. Since there is big money involved, a lot of advertisers are understandably careful with where to place their ads. By principle I always opt out of telling my opinion on how people should run their businesses, but since you asked for our advice, I will give mine. I am worried that closing down your previous ear eating (or similar) videos from the general public will make a hit on your channels steady growth, since those are usually the most viewed ones and the most potential videos to draw people to watch more of your content. I am also worried that making these videos strictly behind the paywall for Patreon-users-only can make others think you have become a sell-out, an image that is very hard for anyone to get rid of. My advice is to keep the old ones open, and make an occasional new ear eating videos public in Youtube, but with a heavier focus on producing most of them to Patreon only. To be honest the best advice I can give you is to find a good balance of profit/exposure so that you may still thrive while pursuing your goals. NOTE: on your Youtube channel description, the Patreon link is broken. It misses the final letter “L” from patreon.com/eunzel. Also it might be worth to check Reddit on this subject for more ideas and advice from other people. Here’s one thread: <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/asmr/comments/7bpoyq/we_need_to_talk_about_youtube_disabling/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/asmr/comments/7bpoyq/we_need_to_talk_about_youtube_disabling/</a>


Maybe start a separate channel that's only ear licking asmr and post updates on your main channel that links to it. You can also use a vpn and pretend to be from America when using that other channel.