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Here is our new transformation short story. As you already know I’m  planning these stories as one shots but leaving an open ending in case  you want me to continue in another chapter. February chapter finds a failed security guard getting a new job that came with some "enhancements"

I'm sharing with you a little fragment in this post but you can read the full story in the attached files.

He read carefully, the paper mentioned that if he agreed to join the company he would provide security services after an intensive training, he would receive a juicy salary and a change in his life that would transform him completely. Despite the ambiguity of the latter, Lance signed, just at the moment of taking the pen away from the paper, it released a small cloud of gas, enough to put him to sleep.

Full Tier includes the complete tale + overlapped illustration and  Advanced Tier includes the full tale, overlapped 4 views illustration  and the TF in sequence format.



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