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Here is our new transformation short story. As you already know I’m  planning these stories as one shots but leaving an open ending in case  you want me to continue in another chapter. In november chapter a young man gets consumed by the fumes of change in this story of bearification.

I'm sharing with you a little fragment in this post but you can read the full story in the attached files.

It was a warm morning, he got up to avoid waking his lover and covered himself with the first thing he could take, John’s tank top, that was huge covering him down to his thighs, He put on the funny bear slippers and went out onto the balcony where he lit the cigarette and inhaled the first puff of smoke...
He coughed, the taste was extremely bitter and the smoke hurt in his way into the lungs, it was like eating a spoonful of cinnamon, surely this was the reason John only took one of them. He kept coughing, his chest started to hurt and his eyes to cry, the burning feeling was so intense that his dizziness was amplified.

Full Tier includes the complete tale + overlapped illustration and   Advanced Tier includes the full tale, overlapped 4 views illustration   and the TF in sequence format.



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