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Here is our fifth transformation short story. I’m planning these stories as one shots but leaving an open ending in case you want me to continue in another chapter. January story features a couple of friends who end up being like family.

I'm sharing with you a little fragment in this post but you can read the full story in the attached files.

After twenty minutes of a show that Duncan found very boring he got up and confessed: —I’m ashamed but what I need from you is to teach me how to put a tie — His friend reacted with a loud laugh after which he agreed to the request, he got upstairs and after a moment he came down with the garment: a gray, flat tie, —I rarely use this one, I’m lending it to you but you have to return it to me later —, He round Duncan’s neck and slowly started to give him the instructions and repeat them slowly step by step for about ten minutes until his friend could do it completely alone. —Well, look, your first lesson as a parent was a success — they both laughed again [...]




wow AMAZING!!!!!!!!