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Hi there!

First off I would like to thank to my new patrons for joining, hope you enjoy the already posted works and the upcoming ones as well. And you're just in time for the next reward!

As you might know, this reward (the last of the month) consist in an illustrated short tale, but I make this based on your suggestions and requests. You can comment here, your ideas: Who would you like to transform this month, and into what?

Remember that you can  throw in your OCs and self personas too!



I also have an idea where suddenly everyone wakes up one day and for some reason they reverse their circumcision status. So if someone was uncut they are suddenly cut, and if they are cut they are suddenly uncut.


Ooo, and if you wanted to get seasonal you could expand this idea and have someone who celebrates Hanukkah, and someone who celebrates Christmas swap holidays and then they become each other (and then one becomes cut and the other becomes uncut) They could essentially become each other or someone entirely different.


Thank you! I'm liking your ideas and I think I can come up with something that mix a little of both! ❤️