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Hello there, I want to thank you all for sticking with me, your support means averything!

A quick update about the content for this month:

Week one with (Un)dress you up will have the presence of a hunky tattooed latino guy.

For the second week, playing by the rule, I'm preparing a picture with the winner of the poll. So for all of you who enjoys furry art, be prepared for a sexy Chief Bogo pin-up!

I'm going to need your help for the third week! Let's create the guy's who's coming to the ring this month in the Lucha series! I would love to know your suggestions, it could be almost anything related to gay or popular culture, I will turn your ideas into a wrestler!

The poll of the fourth  series is still open, and so far a horse and a tiger are winning, there could be a chance from a threesome? :O

Anyways, remember that I'm very open to your comments! Also, for all of you in the color tiers, you can always check with me how many stamps have you collected and what art items can you trade for them!

Hope you all have a great month!


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