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Won't quite make it on 18th with the animation, still getting used to the new place and new schedule and on top of that my ferret has been having eating problems, vet checkup went fine so it seems like just a change of environment stressing him out.

My apologies for the further delays, the move wasn't as smooth as i expected so for now i'll just take it easy and try to get the next animation done by the end of this month.



Take all the time you need, it would do no good to force yourself on top of everything. I have had my fair share of cats too so I know how stressing moving is for pets, I hope your little guy makes a quick adaptation and starts to feel better soon!


No need to apologize the new environment/place is a very new thing which can be a lot, you definitely deserve time to settle in for how ever longer you need. Glad to hear you're ferret is doing good and hope he or she settles in nicely. Again take a few weeks off to settle in and feel comfortable we'll be here to support you when you get back 😊