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I'll cover a bunch of things in here regarding the short break i took.

First off, i unfortunately have to cancel Dragonborns from BG3 as of right now. The whole project requires a lot of setup, and while i did get majority of it done, i just don't really feel any interest in working on them anymore. I apologize to everyone that was awaiting them but i simply don't want to force myself into doing content that i'm not really super into right now.

On the flipside, if you simply just like lizard characters, you will probably be happy with the new content coming. I already showed off Widowmaker as the new character, but on top of that i will be brining back Thunder from Fortnite as well as introducing some new ones from there.

Honestly Fortnite characters have kind of become my little comfort picks, they are very nice and quick to work with and the whole game offers a lot of nice choices. So i will be playing around with them a bit more soon.

Here's a new upcoming animation

Featuring Firewalker, as i worked on him during the short break, just found it relaxing.

After that i'm planning one more with Thunder and Firewalker but the pose isn't fully decided yet.

I will probably stay on the Fortnite route until i'm done working on Widowmaker. But i will also do a small pool after this post.



I'd say it's better to focus on projects that motivate you, so I'm 100% fine with this. Firewalker is quite possibly my all-time favourite Fortnite skin so it's a win either way in my eyes.


Oh boy, that wip made me hard in an instant! Must control myself, want to make a mess to the finished one now. XD And no worries, I‘m still excited for everything you make. And that firewalker looks o hot! … and the feet of those two too. :3c