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Hey, first things first, I'm back. Starting today i will be going back to my old posting schedule (New animation every 2 weeks).

Kicking it off with Thunder as i needed a refresher on animation again. Next 2 animations will be 2 Elias animations that i promised long time ago, they are both about half way done so you should see them both this month.

It will take me a little while to pick up my work on all the new characters since they haven't been touched in around 6 months but my goal is to have Widowmaker (Lizard from "My Dad the Bounty Hunter") done this year, and if everything goes smooth, probably 1 or 2 extra new additions before this year ends.

As to what happened during the last 6 months and why i was struggling to post anything.

I don't really like getting too much into detail with my personal life publicly but i'll try to at least give a general rundown. I grew up in a very abusive household, surrounded by violence and alcohol, which fucked me up mentally pretty bad. In February this year i was finally able to move out into my own apartment. First month was busy with the usual moving in and settling down things, but as time passed, my brain started to process all the trauma i was exposed to back in the old house. I was in a very bad place mentally and was pretty much unable to do anything, couldn't clean my house, couldn't cook any meals or do laundry. About 3 months into living alone, my partner suggested that i go to therapy, offering to cover it for me, so i agreed. After few sessions with my therapist and psychiatrist, I've been diagnosed with depression and complex ptsd. The last 3 months were pretty much spent going to therapy, processing stuff, and just trying to get better. As of right now i feel well enough to attempt coming back to doing art again. I am still going to therapy and proactively doing things to battle my problems, however things are not always in my full control. I will do my best to maintain posting art as this is what i fundamentally want to do. I might have setbacks and trip sometimes but I'll try my best.



I'm happy that you're back but more so that you left an abusive living situation like you described. Taking the necessary steps to manage your trauma in a healthy way is also commendable, the route to healing is not a straight path so I hope you'll continue making good progress and whenever you need time for yourself I assure you it's more than understandable. I'll gladly lend my support so keep taking care of yourself!


hii welcome back and thank for you for the update and for opening up! its so tough out here and having to currently live in that type of household, i know how it is. im glad that you are getting mental care with your partner's help, and i'll be here to support as much as i can same with verm, much love