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"So this is the result of violence. Half the city got completely destroyed.

"Using my butt isn't a good answer. They converted to my faction but the damage is just too great.

"Gotta use other method.

"To convince citizens I'm the god. 

"Something all people accept.

"The best way to decide things.

"Something like...






(Spoiler alert: read the comic before reading the rest of this post)











***Bad news! Brandish got brainwashed by Skull's worst enemy, 'Joker!' With his order, he will make Brandish do many bad things to the world! How the world escaped its destruction? How the world survived from Joker's evil plan?? You can find it in Rise of Goddess Ch12: Brainwashed! 😣

***I might not be able to finish the next-week comic in time, I've run out of stock renders. I'll try finding more time to make comic. I'll try my best to finish the comic in time! 😖

PS1: I've added a new benefit in Supreme deity tier (19.99$) You can assess my RAW renders in the OneDrive folder along with all the benefits of 11.99$ tier! [Only FF7 series and ROG Ch9-11 for now. I'll try uploading them all ASAP]

PS2: You can [Download] my comics here!




Well done! But for my personal idea after I read chapter start from chapte 5, I think this imagnation looks a little bit more so that sometimes I cannot figure out which is in Brandish's mind, which is true happen, maybe you can add some color around the page...you know in some movie or animation, they use this way to represent it is dream


Then let me guess, since Brandish turn to evil...I won't guess what she will do, but it's kind of a key to let her find who herself it is, right?


Sorry to make it ambiguous. Everything happened in this chapter is real, not imagination. Maybe my dialogs made you misunderstand. So sorry. 😣(I changed words in page175 now)


Well. That's a secret for now. But I can give away this, even if she was attacked by 'mind control' spell, she still is the same goddess she has always been! 😘