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This is the QUESTION SUPER THREAD, it'll be pinned as well~

Ask us questions here and we'll pick a few to answer in Patreon episodes!
Open to all tiers so don't be SHY ASK US THINGS :)


The Phantomnaut

Since you guys got into holes together such as Metal Gear, what other holes do you both want to explore (video games specifically but alright with outside gaming)?

William Ambervein

So when the podcast is over will the Patreon be closed down? I feel like that might be a standard question just to cover bases

sean ramsey

Take turns, one of you leave the recording while the other says something, and then have the other do the same. Only the editor, and viewers, knows the full story. It could be something about the other that you don't want them to hear, or it could be something Goofy, or it could be a bet on how you think the podcast recording will go! Ganbatte editor!


No budgets or limitations, what would be on the top of the list to do or make videos of?


If you could design one outfit for the other to wear, what would it look like? Something cool, something cute, something they would love, something you think they'd look good in?


Did you both always get along when you first met each other or did you two grow close over time?

Christian Silva

what size shoe do you both wear?😈

Jorunna Parva

What are some food related pet peeves that you two have. For example, I don't like when people waste large amounts of food proportional to a small amount of an ingredient they don't like being included. Recently, a friend of mine didn't eat a large chunk of rice because of some pickled radishes were on top, they didn't even bother taking the radishes off in order to just eat the rice.


Do you two think there will ever be guests on the podcast, or are you planning on keeping it to just you two? Anyone you might want to invite (or leaks of whos already in the talks)?


Hi Mintara, hope you two are having a nice recording session! I know you two are super passionate about making projects, but you're both some busy people. How do you find the time/motivation to keep chipping away at them? Do you two like to work in bursts of energy, or do you two chip away at things slowly? [For context, I have a bunch of passions and projects I love working on and bring me great joy (making resin dice, world building for Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, other fun nerd things) but I have a hard time chipping away at them and I feel a little ashamed of letting them fester. I really do love them, but often I'm busy, and sometimes when I DO have time I just sit there, not knowing how to get back into it and getting just as little done. I feel bad for not working on my passion babies :(]

chicken fried Corgi

I know people often talk about the pros of content creation, what are some elements y'all miss from working a normal 9-5? eg: predictable income, easier to file taxes, less exposed to online etc.


What is the smallest hill you'd die on defending (For example, Onions are terrible and makes everything taste bad would be mine)


I know there's likely to be a lot of typical questions/overlapping questions you've answered before, so I'll try make this as unique as I can. Let's say life so far is broken up into 4 chapters, childhood, teen years, young adult (16-25) and "real" adult (26+). If you can recall, what were the key inspirations/fascinations to you at each time? Say, for example, the key hobbies, song/band and/or genre of music, and media that you consumed. I'd love to get to understand a little more what lives crafted two of the neatest people I've had the pleasure of enjoying these last few...months ;D As an example, my childhood hobbies were football ⚽️, gaming and BMX with a hint of unimpressive free-running, apparently I used to love Elvis songs (my Gran's favourite) but grew up listening to everything thanks to my mum, and I couldn't get enough Scooby Doo or Spongebob Squarepants watched! Pretty certain this is also when my mum showed me and my sister that terribly brilliant 70's DnD cartoon, as well as an 80's cartoon series called Ulysses 31, the theme song for which still comes back with a vengeance as an earworm easily 18 years after last hearing it xD


what kind of things would you two like to do together besides the podcast?




Pineapple on pizza? Or what about tuna on pizza?


If you had to choose an animal that matches each other’s personality best, what would it be?


Do you have any particular firmly held fundamental beliefs/practices that you think help shape your experience or perspective in life (and afterlife)? I'll give a couple examples because I worded that pretty abstractly. Practicing mindfulness is a consistent factor in my day-to-day life that actively impacts the decisions I make, how I perceive the occurrences of my life (like being appreciative of small or quiet moments that might otherwise be unnoticed), etc. Another completely different example is I know other people who might say that fostering pets is core to their identity and lifestyle. Just curious if anytjing comes to mind for you two :) Thanks for taking your time to take questions!


Who is your celebrity crush?


in the spirit of summer, what do you think the best summer toy is? I think those little water torpedo ones are cool and beach balls are classic. Bonus points for a mini tier list!!

Captain Invictus

What is the worst and/or most dangerous phrase in the human language? To me, it's "eh, fuck it", it has resulted in so much trouble, injury, mistakes, and missed opportunities for me over the years.

Christine 🌻

What’s a place you haven’t been yet that you would want to travel to?

Elle Vee

I was curious, in the way Metal Gear Solid 1 is a top down shooter but shot through the lens of 80's and 90's action cinema, and Warhammer is a table top war sim built out of certain impulses of 50's military sci-fi and 80's maximalist dark and edgy comic book aesthetics, are there any genre's or aesthetics you'd like to see mixed together with various types of games? For example Blue Reflection is a game series that mixes the Magical Girl Genre with some Persona style JRPG mechanics which works so much better than it has any reason to.

Elle Vee

Also other than Mints sussy books, what else do you enjoy reading? (manga and audiobooks count) P.S. Matara hope you've read Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, for the culture P.P.S.S if you have you should also check out the Yuri anime Otherside Picnic that was inspired by it lol


what kind of foods do you typically cook for yourselves? no frozen dinners allowed

Paul L Smith

Ok so I’ve got a question, based on some experience from your past lives, was it hard to reconnect with people afterwards? Also sorry fallow up. Do you have any advice for making new connections be it friendly or working?


Although you may have a chitinous and/or ectoplasmic body; if you had to get a tattoo, what design/concept would it be?


If you had the chance to get a house how would you decorate the inside Would you choose a more modern style or go with a more rustic look? Unless you already have a house. In that case what would you like it to have?.

Genner 108

Mint, will you returned the cursed sand someday?


Not sure if this has been asked yet or not but what was your motivation for getting into vtubing? Or who was the vtuber that made you want to take that leap into the scene?

Deb Bop

Who has the best cake between the two of you? Asking for a friend


What's your favorite game for each system you've owned?


What are some of the best manga you've read/anime you've watched?


Are you team Yoshinoya, Matsuya or Sukiya? Are you team Family Mart, Lawsons or 7/11? This is REALLY important


Out of all of the countries you have been to, what are your most memorable experiences. Do you plan on traveling anywhere for the podcast? If so what are some ideas for content?


Hi Mint and Mintara, love the show! I was wondering what were your comfort foods? I love snacking along while listening to the show♥

Doctor Tyrannosaur

Hi Mint and Matara, first time caller long time listener. What's a skill or hobby that you have that you never get to show off because it never comes up?

Steven Medbury

Would you consider doing summer reading recommendations? I feel like a good summer read is a must.


If the stars and planets aligned and you were exactly where you want to be in life, what would your day-to-day look like?


Have you gotten into New music genres that you like to listen to or sing/cover that you didn't before Vtubing?


So Mint, if you were to attempt a metal gear model kit with Matara, what kit would it be? Metal gear Rex, Ray, or Sahelanthropus?


What is your favorite summer snack/drink? Something that just hits different specially in the summer time. (Also thank you both for being you!)


I did some spring cleaning recently and found my old ipod. Do either of you have or held onto old music players?


What's your go-to "boredom killer?" For example, doodling, solving puzzles, reading news/magazine articles, etc.


Do you see yourselves as experts or as people with expertise, in your particular field?


What are some lesser known travel tips you two have for us?


Any dream vacation spots you want to go to with each other?


What are your favorite non-Metal Gear mecha/giant robots? Are there any particular series or even just specific robots that you really like the designs of?

Lukas Nielsen

What would your cult name be *if* u had one

yona yona

What are some green flags/red flags that stand out to you in online friendships?


What elevates a piece of media to 10/10 for you? Can be anime, movies, video games, etc. Do you have any 9/10s that don't have any big flaws, but that you feel don't deserve a 10? And on the flip side, do you have any personal 10/10s that you know are flawed as heck, but you think are perfect anyway?


Are you team soggy fries or crispy fries and why? Please describe in detail to the other, especially if they are on opposite sides


What's the most surreal experience you've had when traveling? Doesn't necessarily have to be bad or creepy. Be it in Japan or another country.

Michael He

Tea or coffee


Is Mint going to use "Moe Moe ~ Spectral Binding" on us if we misbehave?


hey mint and matara! been loving the podcast sm :) since you guys are going to be at a lot of cons this summer, i was wondering what your first ever convention was and the experience you had with that?


My question is for the both of you: What made you both interested in streaming in the first place? You both have great on-screen personalities and you're immensely entertaining, so as a fan I'm obviously happy about it. But I've always been curious what made the shy and introverted Mint and (as you described yourself) very private Matara want to share themselves with the world. And again thank you so much for doing so, and please keep at it.


which video game character would you marry and why? (Love you two btw. Kiss kiss 😘)


Do you think Big Boss continued to believe in Santa until he died?

Destin slade

What are some good car riding beats


Hi Mint and Matara! I'll be going to Japan next month and will be staying for a whole year, so I wanted to know how have your experiences been staying there and if you have any tips for someone going there for an extended time.


This question is for Mint, the world's leading expert in maid cafes. I apologize in advance. My friend loves to threaten me with the fact that in his will, it states that it will be my responsibility to take his ashes to japan and throw them in the face of a Japanese maid. Do you know of any maid cafes that might be weird enough to be into this? For the record, this friend is healthy and not expected to die soon. Thanks for your advice, even if it's "Don't do that."


what is your favorite thing to cook and why?


Very important question Could the roach lady give me a pat? Pwease… :3


What's your favorite scent? I love cherry scented stuff!

David Garrett

Do you like scary movies?

Leo (npcbyday) ✧

Hello!! how do you think you guys would hold up in a zombie apocalypse? what kind of strategy would you have and would you survive long?


oh also! what are some of your favorite flowers? I'll try to get pictures of them at work


Favorite flavor ice cream and why is it mint chocolate chip?


If accidentally took a pill that shrunk your body would you then restart your life or would you take the cure which will be given to you after 5 years of being shrunk?


if you had to pick between yogurt and cheese, what would you choose?


I'm not sure if I'm late, but may as well ask : If you guys had the chance to start over in life, keeping your memories and knowledge, but starting fresh with a new family and new experience, would you? I guess as a follow up second question to that : If you didn't keep your memories and knowledge, just a clean slate, would you still do it?


What is your least favorite trope in anime?

Zachary House

Is there a series, game or show, that you want to get into but just haven't for any reason?

Ray Mack

When I go to a maid cafe can I say "aishiteru" to all of the maids? Or is that too embarassing?


While working off-stream, what do you do to stay focused? If you listen to music on the side - any artists you can recommend?


what are some fun pet stories you guys have?


Do either of you have any fun stories from traveling abroad? (Besides Japan)

Tio Namusan

What are your opinion on "playing with viewers on stream"? in either party games/big lobby games like mario kart or MMOs and coops like deep rock galactic, helldivers or l4d2


You were talking about the possibility of climbing Mt Fuji, is there any other mountains or trails (or even camping spots) you could recommend for people that want to get out in nature a bit more? Could be in Japan or anywhere else you've travelled previously!


Spicy question so prepare yourself. Something I really always wonder about this type of job. Why do I feel like a lot of vtuber content, the ones that are usually girls being vtubers, feel a lot like “horny baiting” and being oriented for a very specific type of audience? I feel uncomfortable when that almost always happens, but I do genuinely love the podcast, and the chemistry you 2 have. Not talking about the podcast, but just vtubers in general. hope you are having a great day!


I've noticed minor sports injuries from my youth (torn some stuff in my knees). Keep flaring up and making it hard to run/be active as I'm use to. As two decrepit hags any tips on staying active as your body falls apart.


Question for Mint: Have you ever taken vocal lessons and, if so, was it a part of your journey to become an idol like Dempagumi?


With idols performing across a variety of musical genres what makes an idol an idol? Is there something specific they share or is it simply if they call themselves an idol or not?


What are some of the podcasts that inspired you to make you own?

Marcel Cabato

What is your experience with Nico Nico Douga? I feel like a lot of vtubers/vtuber culture comes from the utaite/ music cover artists (e.g. not showing face, having pseudonyms etc.)


What's been your favorite project to work on (disregarding how you feel about the finished art or content)? Rambling stories please.


Not a question for the podcast but is there a reason you don't add the Special Highlights channel as a featured channel on the main podcast channel and vice-versa?


What movie you guys enjoy that was at the it’s so bad it’s good territory? like examples like The Room.


If you were a boss in Metal Gear Solid, what would your title be, and what gimmick would you have?


Do you ever revisit the things you liked when you were younger? Old anime, games, music? What things were you a fan of?

Evan's Kazoo Covers

I'll ask three different questions each with a different level of...deepness? You don't have to answer them all but I'd love to hear your thoughts! Deep level 1 - Has there ever been a time when an intrusive thought came up in your head and you acted on it? Was it by accident, on purpose, what happened? Deep Level 2 - What brings you the greatest joy in life, but isn't something you talk about much? Mint your maids and idols dont apply for this question as you talk about them often Deep Level 3 (the deepest) - You wake up tomorrow morning, to find out your mind has time-leaped to May 1st, 2014. You retain all knowledge of events up to this time, including both of your life and of the world's events. How do you live your life differently? Are there any regrets you would try to rectify? Decisions you would decide differently on? Thanks for everything you do guys, love listening to these at work. If you have any kazoo song requests I'm suffering from a bit of block at the moment too lol see you both at Offkai! I cant wait!

Brett Mackenzie

Hey Mintara loving the podcast so far. My question is for Matara, what Book or other media would you suggest to Mint to get her more into 40k? And follow up for Mint, Which MGS (Metal Gear Solid) game made you fall in love with the whole franchise?


What are some good places to go for idol lives in Japan? Or rather, what are some places to go when you're starting to get into the culture?


What's your most regrettable gaming purchase?

Paul L Smith

I can’t remember if I had asked a question or not if I have feel free to skip. My question is to both of you. I’m turning 32 this month and I have no social life any tips or recommendations or does/don’ts when it come to making social connections? I would also love to get feedback from the community as well if I can.


Just curious for the both of you how you guys established/realized your brainrots. Like for Mint's MGS brainrot and Matara's Warhammer brainrot, did you have a point where something clicked that made you go "this is my life now" or something similar? Or was it just a gradual progression to obsession that you can't really pinpoint a moment that changed your brain chemicals permanently. (It doesn’t have to be MGS or Warhammer btw just whatever brainrot you have)

Andrew Brown

I have recently been exploring more hobbies and things to bring joy in my life. I've started drawing and learning a new language, and I'm trying to explore creative outlets! So my question to the both of you, is what hobbies aside from streaming can you recommend to help me feel more fulfilled or find more joy?

Andrew Brown

I want to stream as a hobby, but at present it is not possible until a living situation has changed. ;3

Marcel Cabato

I know this is kind of cheating for a question, but... Mint: have you seen any of ChipCheezum's MGS LetsPlay's? I love how informative, funny, and well edited they are, especially MGSV's Big Boss/Venom Snake/Vapor Snake playthroughs. Matara: have you seen the Astartes youtube series? Peak Fanwork of WH40k. Amazing animation, tone, and weight to the mechanics of the setting.


Mint: can you please tell us more about your trip to Antarctica? The process and experience and was Drake’s passage really rough to cross? Also would love it if you both end up hiking Mt Fuji, if you could tell us more about the process for that too and if a guide is needed? Both are things I also really want to do one day. Thank you!!


What do you do to get out of a rut?

Adam Hasan

Any idea when your Momocon meet and greets will go on sale? Definitely hope to see you both

Murphy REAL

I know Mint is obviously a huge fan of live music and I definitely vibe with a lot of Matara's tastes too - is there any particularly favorite or especially memorable concert experiences you've had? I remember the first time I saw my favorite band and lots of other experiences, but I think my favorite might still be at a hardcore show where in between sets they used Paramore's "Still Into You" as bumper music and the whole crowd sang with it. Nothing like a good singalong!


Have either of you seen Samurai Flamenco? If not, what is one show you deeply love but either cannot recommend it without a laundry list of disclaimers or cannot explain why you recommend it without heavy spoilers?


Are there any content creators you follow, even though you don't necessarily care that much about their main subject matter? As an example; I don't care about speed running videogames personally, but I love to watch SummoningSalt's deep dives on the topic because his passion for it shows so clearly in his videos.


Do you know the concept of 'Mono no aware' (the beauty of impermanence, an empathy towards things, etc)? What are moments that give you these kinds of feelings? Like for me it's when I stare out and look at the scenery on a train during my commute and see beauty in the mundane scenery of daily life


When traveling, are you the type that plans things down to the minute or do you freestyle your trips? Has this ever caused issues when you travel with people of the other type?


How do I have fun attending Offkai Expo alone? Any tips or advice appreciated, thank you! Hint: I may be more like Mint (it took me 3 days to muster up bravery to even ask this) than Matara; but I 💚🩷❤️ the yin-yang dynamic in everything you both do!


If you were in charge of organizing a 4 person collab with any 3 other people, alive or dead, who would you have and what would the collab be?

David 「Titanium」P

do you ever just find something that reminds you of something you were passionate about a long time ago but you didn't even remember until just then? Feels like memory from a different person, like a nostalgia you didn't know you had


Hi Mint & Mantara, As a new streamer/vtuber I was wondering if you had any tips for new people, maybe some advice some stories from way back when you both started as solo creators back in the day, how to grow without any initial connections in the streaming world, if you had a timeframe for yourself of when you knew if it would work or not, any content creation styles you adopted or if you just did what you wanted for the most part etc. (I know you already did a beginner podcast on this stuff but I don't think these things were told/covered)


This is probably more a question towards Matara given how Mint is an extreme introvert (dw it's a charm point) (just like me!) but I think a lot of people have experienced how one's social circle tends to get very small as you go through adult life. I personally do occasionally catch up with old friends/colleagues that I was particularly close to, but I find that I'm almost never in a position to actually meet someone new, and going further, actually meet people who are keen to also continue keeping up with each other after the initial meet. Funnily enough, most of my friends are in a similar position but are less worried about it as they are generally settling down with partners/life while I am the classic single friend visiting my mate's new kid lmao. The usual advice is always the same: "just go out more", "join an hobby/interest group" etc but the former is definitely more for people who actually enjoy going out to bars/clubs, and the latter can be difficult to find (or find the courage to find!). Have you had any good (or bad!) experiences when looking to join those types of groups as an adult? Do you have any tips on how to find them, or even how to mentally approach it? Do you have any other suggestions on navigating our lonely world? EDIT: I just noticed that someone above had a very similar question to me but without the rambling; if you get to that one consider this one answered too~

Sento Kiryu

Hello Mint and Matara! Hey Boss man, I just found out Bandori will have their own pachinko machine and I was wondering where you found & bought your MGS pachislot for future reference. I was a huge Bandori fan before I discovered Vtubers, so I still feel a strong attachment to the franchise even though I'm not as up to date right now (yes I'm a disloyal and fake fan 😞). I think I remembered Mint mentioning Bandori before, did you have a favorite band and/or girl? Arisa is my favorite tsundere, but I love Saaya for her caring and older sister personality (and I love Hasshi!) -From a ThiccYamabukiBread

kitten of the yarn persuasion

It’s so cool to see two vtubers who are good friends pulling off a long-term collab like this! You mentioned your streams happening to overlap a lot in a recent episode and I got to wondering: is it frustrating for either of you when there are barriers to collaborating with friends who are also vtubers (such as schedule conflicts)? Or is that mostly something you can keep separate from your friendships? - From Kit